Chapter Thirteen

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The next day at the H. Carl Moultrie Courthouse in downtown Washington DC there was still increased security presence especially within the courtroom of Judge Lincoln Lewis Handel the Fifth who was currently the judge chosen to preside over the high profile murder trial of young Leslie Childs whose beautiful heart shaped face and sweet eyes were showcased on all news broadcasts ;  local, national and international.

The media , print and broadcast, were  also present and crowded within the small courtroom along with family and friends of the victim. As well people who just wanted to be apart of the biggest news event to hit the city in a while : the arraignment of one Amir Admad.

The young defendant in question was currently standing at the front of the courtroom, wearing an orange jumpsuit, metal shackles and a bulky bullet proof vest. His coal black hair was spiky and looked like he had been running his fingers through it continuously. His olive toned face appeared worn and his dark eyes seemed wide and startled. Next to him was his court appointed attorney who was young skinny White and looking like he wanted to be anywhere but in that particular courtroom at the moment.

Across from them at the prosecutor's table was the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia , Douglas Alden. He was also White and young but looked far more confident and cocky than his opponent. From his stance he appeared to already consider himself to be the winner of the case at hand.

And on the bench was Judge L.L. Handel in his black robe and ever present black sunshades. " How does the defendant, Amir Admad, plead," L.L. said firmly," on the current charge of first degree murder of one Leslie Childs? "

Amir Admad burst out with an undercurrent of fear running through his voice," I didn't do it ! Your honor, I didn't do it! I'm being set up. I didn't do it. "

The defense attorney sighed visibly and placed his hand reluctantly upon his client's arm. " Judge Handel , Scott Sams , for the defense here. We plea ..... not guilty to the charge. "

The onlookers in the courtroom immediately began to talk excitedly among themselves. Except for the parents of the dead girl who sat motionlessly watching L.L. Handel.

L.L. banged his gavel once and said firmly," I will have order and quiet in the courtroom please. Or I will immediately clear the courtroom of all who are not absolutely necessary to the proceedings. The court accepts the plea of not guilty. "

Douglas Alden smiled coolly at the defendant. " Your honor, with the very severity of this crime and the rather delicate international and national issues pending I would like to ask that you set no bail for the defendant on the grounds that he is an immediate flight risk. "

L.L. nodded once in the general direction of the prosecutor and agreed," Accepted. Mr. Admad is to continue to be detained in official custody. No bail will be granted in this matter. "

Suddenly an older man of Middle Eastern descent jumped up from his seat and attempted to approach the bench. He was immediately stopped by two US Marshals who restrained him even as he yelled hoarsely," My son did nothing! You are dead man. You flawed defective judge. You dead man. A pox on you, your family and your house. You're dead! "

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