Chapter Five

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Rosie Lopez sat beside her best friend's husband in the waiting room of George Washington University Hospital Center. On her other side was his too quiet little sister Mary. She held Mary's hand tightly. She wanted to hold L.L.'s hand but frankly the man scared her. She thought he scared everyone except for his own best friend Justice and Michael.


Damn. Tears filled her slanted black eyes and she tried to blink them back again. He had had a heart attack. A damn heart attack at thirty one years old. Same age as her , she thought ironically. 

They still had him back there. It had been ages. What if ..... What if he..... She didn't even want to think about the what if. She couldn't imagine a world without that man. Her brother from another mama and daddy.

She watched as L.L.'s identical twin brother, identical in every way but the fact that he could see and L.L. could not, came to sit next to his brother. Thomas Handel was another scary man but the look on his face as he watched his brother sitting so silent with his head bowed low and his lips moving slightly as though he was praying; that look was heartbreaking. The Handel men weren't one for revealing emotions but Thomas loved his brother.

And L.L. loved Michael. Dear God, what would happen to him if Michael..... didn't make it? What would happen to little Jamie? To Mary ? Michael didn't realize it but he was too damn important to too many people.

Thomas reached over and touched his brother on the shoulder, saying," Lincoln, he'll be fine. That young man is strong enough to take me on. This won't even faze him. "

Rosie agreed. Even as she cried.

L.L. said so softly that they could barely hear him," It should have been me. He has his whole life ahead of him. I don't understand why? Why him and not me? " Then he began to openly weep and the sight of such a strong proud man sobbing like his heart was shattered almost broke Rosie. Mary got up from her chair and went over to hug him tightly, whispering in his ear ," It's ok , it's ok , it's ok. "

Then the ER doctor in his baggy lime green scrubs came out of the swinging double doors with a tired look on his face and a question on his lips.

" Is the family of Michael Hara - Handel here ? "

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