Daily Life in Tempest

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3rd person POV

After the summit was over a banquet was arranged for all participating members. Various food were prepared and Myne was overjoyed to see local dishes from her previous life present here.

"This is so good I never thought it was possible to get food like we had in Japan !"

"I tried really hard . White rice was a problem for us but with effort we were able to make it."

"Really this taste so good I never had such good food back in Ehrenfest"

"Speaking of Ehrenfest can you describe about Ehrenfest from your perspective as a comonner? I want to learn about it as I will be vassalizing them and will impose some rules on them".

"Sure but please don't overdo it. The people already have it worse"

"Don't worry about it now inform of about the History from your perspective"

Ferdinand had told Rimuru about the History of Ehrenfest but he skillfully didn't mention various parts which he knew Rimuru would not like. After coming here it was abundantly clear that Tempest unlike Ehrenfest actually cared about the lower strata of people and he would not like it if he were to find out about how they treated their commoners even after they were punished for it by the gods.

"In Ehrenfest we are told were previously in a different world compared to this world were they were part of a larger Kingdome but they were punished by the gods and sent here in this world. The Nobles have twisted the story to suit themselves by painting themselves as our saviours and the gods as vengeful when they punished them for refusing to take care of their own people as the Gods casting them out because they were poor and they deserved to die but the Nobles saved them by acting as a shield between the comoners and the Gods. They used this Authority to rule over us with an Iron fist while they lavish themselves by charging us undue high taxes."

"How do you know the actual story then?"

"The actual story is well known in Ehrenfest even by the commoners but the mana disparity between us and them have prevented us from speaking out to them."

"So they are good for nothing nobles who don't care about anyone but themselves then?"

"Not all noble's there are some who had decided to learn from their previous mistake and improve them but most are the same."

"So I will need a list of all these nobles as well as a list of the nobles who incited an attack into our country hmmm"

"Soei are you there ?"

"Yes my lord"

"Whoa were did you come from I couldn't even sense you despite my heightened perception"

"Soei I want to you to get me a list of all the nobles who attacked us as well as all the noble who are unfairly charging high taxes"

"I already am on it . I have sent one of clones after Ferdinand when he left for Tempest he has reached tempest and I will have the information by tomorrow"

"Quick as ever keep up the good work".

"Thank you my lord".

Soei disappeared leaving a stunned Myne behind.

"I will never become your enemy Rimuru"

"Where did that come from?"

"I was just talking to myself come let us join the others"

And so Myne and Rimuru left after having a private conversation inside Rimuru's Chambers.

Rimuru's POV

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