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Seojoon and doctor explained everything to mr. Kim who agreed for the surgery. It was the most difficult time for mr. Kim . He saw his baby bear laying on that hospital bed lifeless only the beeping sound of machine indicated that he was alive.

At that time mr. Kim was missing her wife so much. She was her support. Now He was all alone no one was there for his support, but at the same time he knew his father won't be able to take the hit and namjoon was having his finals, any distraction will make things difficult, knowing his son , namjoon won't stay back in Korea and will come there.

He hid taehyung's condition from everyone. Surgery was not easy, doctors almost lost taehyung once , but were able to revive him.

Now sitting by taehyung 's bedside mr. Kim knew taehyung 's life won't be same anymore, his son is brave he tried to save that girl from getting r*ped..

His heart swelled with pride for his brave son, he will wait till his son gets better and will take him back to Korea.

Till than Mr. Kim decided to stay in America and take care of taehyung.

He made arrangements for taehyung to get priority whenever a heart for transplant would be available, it was not easy , he would need a kidney and heart transplant simultaneously.

His weak body won't be able to survive two different surgeries. But mr. Kim didn't lost hope he was determined to fight for his son till last breath.

Road to recovery was not as simple as mr. Kim expected, taehyung body became very weak. Past surgery, he was in a medicine induced coma for ten days.

When he woke up , the extreme pain in his body made him scream in agony , mr. Kim also cried silently seeing his boy this helpless. Taehyung soon get to know about his health condition, It was difficult to walk without support, it took almost 3 months for taehyung to stand without any help .

"Dad , you won't tell anyone about this accident right.?" Taehyung asked Mr. Kim one day.

Out of the blue the thought of seeing sympathy in his loved once eyes made taehyung's already weak heart more agitated.

" It would be better to tell, they can help you .," mr. Kim replied, he knew taehyung very well and aware that taehyung doesn't want anyone to worry that's why he was trying to hide.

" I would tell them myself when the right time will come. Till than its a secret between us." He pointed towards his pinky finger for his father to seal their promises.

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