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The doctors mailed the results to Travis, because legally they have to let him know. Today is the day that Hazel is coming home from the hospital. It's been a week since she was born, and she's finally getting discharged from the nicu. "Look at you princess." I say as I button up her onesie. "Oh you are so cute." I say sliding her headband gently in her head. "You ready to go home?" I say. "We're gonna see grandma, and grandma, and uncle Austin, and aunt Sydney, and your brothers and sisters." I say talking to her in a baby voice and booping her nose.

"Let's get you all buckled in." I say as the nurse sets her in her car seat for me. "She's a cutie." She says. "Thank you." I say. "Okay Miss Hazel you get to go home now!" The nurse says handing me some passers I have to sign before we leave. "Okay you are free to go!" She says and I nod. The security carries her carrier out to the car since, I can't carry anything heavy for another week.

"Look at you cutie." I say as they get the carrier strapped into the car. We arrive home and go inside where we are bombarded with friends and family just so eager to see the princess. "Look there's Grandma." I say as my mom comes over beside me. "Oh hello there." She says as I hand her Hazel. "Auntie Blake is gonna take you in a minute." Blake says coming over to where we are at. "Oh she needs to soak up her Grandma time." My mom says and I laugh.

"Oh you are going to get so many hand me down yeah?" Blake says bouncing Hazel in her arms. "Oh your cousins are so excited to see you." She says and I smile. "You have the most gorgeous hair little one." She says kissing the top of her head. Normally I would be all paranoid about germs, but everyone has quarantines and taken multiple Covid tests to be able to be here today.

"Okay." I say as Hazel starts to cry so o go over and take her from Blake. "Shhh." I say softly holding her. "I think she's hungry, I'll be right back." I say and Blake nods. I go upstairs and bring my phone to keep me occupied during Hazels feeding time. I set it on the table beside the rocking chair and plop down with her in my arms. Getting her situated. I see a notification appear on my home screen as I pick up my phone. It reads Travis: She go home today? He hasn't contacted me in a week. And the results got to him a few days ago, he still said nothing though.

I don't want him to not be involved, or for me to force him out of her life. He's her father after all. Maybe he didn't mean those words, maybe it was an accident. I reply back saying Yes. Everything went well. I decided I'd keep him filled I'm without telling him too much. Just giving him the basics of her life. If he wants to be involved he can, but if he doesn't child support it is. Not saying I don't have money, because e8m a billionaire after all. But the least he could do is pay an amount each month that could contribute to her school tuition, and college funds for later in her life.

We go back downstairs after she finishes eating. Everyone has left except my mom, and Blake who will be staying with me for the next few days helping with Hazel. "You know. I never thought it would be like this." I say sitting down at the table, after I had put Hazel in her baby swing. "I know. But who knows, it could be for the better." Blake says and I nod. "I just was hoping things would be more civil." I say. "I completely understand, but you have to learn where to draw the line between him being a douche or a complete dead beet." She says and I nod.

"He texted me earlier." I say. "What did he say." She says. "He just had asked if Hazel had come home from the hospital." I said. "Do you think he's going to come up here? He got the results right?" She says and I nod. "I'd hope he wouldn't. I know he got the results. It hurts that I had to do that in the first place." I say and she nods. "I went the whole pregnancy doing it in my own. I can raise her on my own too." I say.

"You knwo Ryan and I are always here when you need us. We love kids, we are glad to help anytime it's needed. I know the girls wouldn't mind seeing her." She says and I nod. "I know. Thank you. I don't know what I would have done without you two this year." I say and she hugs me. "Well I think I'll head up and start getting ready for bed." She says and I nod.

"Your mom has Hazel up in the nursery." She says and I nod. She goes upstairs and all of a sudden I hear a knock at the door. I drag myself to answer it. I open the door and am surprised at who I see standing there. "Hi Taylor." He says.


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