"A tiff among....allies."

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April 21

A few days had passed since Loki had switched back to his own body and in those few days Thor had yet to give him any space. He'd follow his brother everywhere. Like a mosquito, sucking every ounce of already thin patience. Whether it be to the lab or to the privacy of his private room. Which was quickly becoming an even safer place for him. Shockingly.

"You must switch us back now Loki. Asgard-"

"Has been fine without you." Finally he turned around to face him. "Keep pestering me and I'll switch you back last. Don't test me Thunderer." The little ounce of relief he felt when he first saw Thor was all but gone now. Between the memories the spell had drawn up and the treatment he had endured while here, he was over Thor and his big brother act now more than ever.

When it was obvious he wasn't going to reply Loki walked away. Continuing on his way to Anthony.

Thor stood watching as the distance grew between them. He was happy to know he was alive and well. Excited to catch up with him. To mend a bond broken by time and war. But it seemed less likely with every passing day. Today had just proven his worst fears. 'Thunderer' Loki had only ever called him that when he was truly upset with him. A time when he had hated him so much he couldnt even bear to call his name.

"Thunderer..." Thor mumbled the word in a daze. Sticking with him the entire way to the living area. The room was empty, which was to be expected on a Friday night. Crime had been slow but not inactive. The Captain and Natasha were no doubt dealing with SHIELD or some other villains. The chances of Clint being in the vents somewhere were high. All things considered, the chances of anyone coming in here were slim.

Thor slumped on the couch, all sense of decorum gone. Then again, he had very little from the start. His usual smile and chipper mood were nowhere to be found. Truly he felt as if he had hit rock bottom all over again. How was he to fix a bond that had so many errors in its history?

A laugh from the doorway broke him from his depressive daze. Blinking twice he made eye contact(?) with the resident mercenary.

"Can I help you?"

Deadpool shrugged. "No. You just look like shit. I find it funny." He giggled.

Thor rolled his eyes. "Go away mercenary." Promptly he turned away from him.

The relaxed smile dropped from Wade's face. He hated heroes like Thor. They were so self centred and self satisfied. Yes, he killed for money but at least the victims can sleep a little better. At least his enemies don't come back to hurt others. At least he doesn't cause unnecessary casualties!

"I may be a mercenary but at least I'm not a murderer." Then left without looking back.

"Mmch." He sucked his teeth as he watched the spandexed hero leave the room. He had half a mind not to follow him. To throw him into the nearest wall. Slowly he rose from his seat and began to search for the good doctor. Maybe seeing him would help his agitated state.

Thor found Bruce neck deep in equations. Papers were scattered all over the doctors private labs. It was a wonder he could even solve anything with the mess around him. "Bruce, can I ask you something?" He attempted to come to a stopping point to give his attention to Thor but couldnt turn away from the maths in the end just telling him to ask.

"Do you think..." He shuddered at what he was about to ask. Almost afraid of the answer. "Do you think I'm a murderer?" He knew he wasn't one. But the way Deadpool had said it, it just bothered him. So much so he wanted a second opinion. A biassed opinion.

It caught Bruce off guard. Of everything Thor could have asked that was not on the list. He was prepared for a question about the Hulk or the experiment. Even asking about what he thought of his own memories being shared. Literally anything but that. He stopped what he was scribbling and finally turned to face him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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