Phone & Call

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"Do you really have to go so soon?"

Kaylee turned around and smiled sweetly with pink cheeks before caressing her lover's face gently. "What do you mean, silly? I've been here for the past three weeks. I have to go home at some point."

Johan sighed as he held onto Kaylee's waist. "I know. I just... you should move in with me." Kaylee's eyes widened momentarily before she began to stutter --- Johan beat her to the punch, however. "I know we've only been together for a few months. I didn't mean to pressure you. Please, at least think about it?"

Kaylee nodded before pecking his soft lips goodbye, her smile fading immediately as she turned around and shut the door. As her sandals sounded lightly on the paved floor, Kaylee sighed as she began to fix her messy bun. It's not that things with Johan weren't going well, the problem was the exact opposite in fact --- they were going too well, and she felt she couldn't provide Johan and Anastasia the stability they needed as a family. She didn't know anything about herself or her past. The only thing she remembered was waking up in Germany 6 months ago with over one million dollars in cash, which she had barely put a dent in since she'd been there.

As Kaylee pulled her phone out and the light illuminated her face in the darkness, her finger hovered over one of her only contacts: Sandra. She hadn't called her back since the first day she woke up in Germany, and she didn't know if she should again. Stuffing her phone back into her shorts pocket, she entered her apartment complex and began to climb up the stairs to the roof. This had become a habit of hers since the summer months, and one that she typically fed into when she felt particularly stuck in her head, as she felt it helped her think.

Swinging the large metal door open, the girl headed to the edge of the roof before peering down at the calm city below her. She hugged her arms as the wind blew through her hair, sending chills down her back. Who was I before? Why did I come to Germany? I know I must be American based on my accent, but... why would my only belongings be my ID and a bank account with one million dollars from Sandra? Kaylee felt the unknown taking over her body as she lifted her legs over the ledge of the roof and dangled them carelessly. She closed her eyes as tears threatened to escape them. If I just jumped now... it wouldn't even matter. I am simply a speck of dirt --- no, a mere molecule in this universe. Sure, Johan and Anastasia may miss me slightly for a bit, but... they wouldn't even know the real "me" to miss.

Before Kaylee could even contemplate jumping, she gasped abruptly as she felt an arm clamp around her neck from a stranger, putting her into a chokehold. Tears finally unwittingly flowed down her face from fear as she put her hands up in an attempt to lessen the pressure of the arm on her neck. The smell of cigarettes invaded her nose as a husky voice growled in her ear, "Thinking of jumping, Doll? I'm afraid that just won't do." His arm tightened enough to restrict her breathing even more, leading to Kaylee sputtering for air. "You don't know me, but I know you. I'll make sure you never-" The man was cut off by a cell phone ringing, leading to him loosening his grip on her neck. Kaylee acted on impulse and elbowed him in the stomach, making the assailant grunt in slight pain, before accidentally jumping off the ledge. The unknown assailant peered over the rooftop, seeing the woman of his dreams landing in a dumpster with a small shriek as she fell. She peered up at him as his cellphone continued to ring, leading to her wide eyes wandering away from him and instead observing the situation she was in. As he watched her limp out of the dumpster and away into an alleyway, he simply clicked his tongue in annoyance as he took his cellphone out of his pocket and angrily stared at the name on the screen.

"What the fuck is it you want," he growled as he ran his fingers through his greasy black hair waving because of the night air. Hearing no answer on the other side of the line, he scoffed before continuing. "Look, I don't have time for games right now. I've had a shit night."

The person on the other end sighed finally before speaking. "I knew I shouldn't have reached out, but the others had no luck." Jeff chewed on the inside of his cheeks before his nemesis continued. "Ben claims he can't track you down, but I don't know if he's actually telling the truth or he's covering for you."

Jeff unwittingly let out a huff of amusement. "And that's your business, why?"

Silence ensued once more before the owner of a low, whispered voice responded back. "Come back, Jeff. Don't make us hunt you down. You know that whether you're here or in another country, we will eventually find you." Rather than entertaining this conversation any longer, Jeff hung up in annoyance before peering back down over the ledge of the rooftop, seeing the love of his life officially having disappeared. Resting his chin on his left hand, Jeff sat in contemplative thought about his next moves all the way until the sun invaded his vision, prompting him to disappear from public view yet again.

The person Jeff had hung up on sat in darkness as crickets chirped, wondering what his next move should be. The truth is, Jack had nothing personal against Jeff, and there were no actual issues between the two. Fundamentally, the two were just different people. While Jack prioritized missions, using logic, and getting things done as quick as possible, Jeff liked to savor his kills and put them ahead of everything else, allowing his emotions and impulses to rule over him. Jack disliked Jeff's constant disregard for anyone and anything standing in his way of his wants, whereas Jeff disliked Jack for thinking he was better than everyone. Despite the two showing outward dislike for one another, Slenderman felt the need to send them on missions together often, feeling that Jeff's spontaneity fit hand-in-hand with Jack's logic and quick thinking. Although Jack knew they would never see eye-to-eye, he also didn't want his teammate and roommate to get in more trouble than he already would, inevitably.

Not only that, but Jack would consider Ben to be his one and only close friend. Since Jeff had been manipulating Ben for favors for months now, he was currently under fire for 'allowing' him to escape, as Slenderman had worded it. Ben was also suspected as being an active accomplice for Jeff's escape, though Jack hoped this wasn't the case, as Ben had adamantly been denying doing so. Jack sighed as he got up and looked at his watch. 00:54. He looked towards the mansion he had been sitting in front of, before trudging back. There was only one way he could ensure Jeff's safe return, and that was seeking him out himself.

Whispers invaded Jack's headspace as he climbed to the third floor of the mansion, heading to the only room to get confirmation of his plan. He felt his heart pounding as he knocked on the door, hearing whispers allowing for him to enter the room. Avoiding eye contact with Him, Jack stared at the ground before bowing down in front of him. "Permission to speak, Sir?"

"Yes. What is it, Jack?"

"I believe I may be able to bring Jeff back if I am allowed to go on a grand mission to retrieve him. I know this is of great importance to you, and I am hoping you will trust me for this life or death mission."

The whispers quieted down as Jack gulped with nervousness. He rarely takes this long to answer. Does he not trust me? Whispers became loud once again before replying, "What's in it for you?"

Jack found himself stuttering, as he hadn't considered this to be one of the many questions He would ask him. "I-I don't have anything I want or need, Sir. I am doing this to simply bring normalcy back to the mansion."

After what felt like eternity, Jack's ears perked up when hearing the answer he so desired. "Alright. We'll discuss details tomorrow. You are dismissed." Rising up from his deep bow stance, Jack's eyes lingered on the wooden floors as he reached the door and left when asked.

Staring up at his bedroom ceiling as he pulled his covers tighter to his chest, Jack let out a nervous sigh as his hands trembled slightly. A pit of regret formed in his stomach, unknown in origin, but absolutely invading his being. As he looked over at his alarm clock to see that three hours had already passed without being able to sleep, Jack turned over and closed his eyes in an attempt to drown out the anxious thoughts floating around in his head. Though he didn't know why, he had a dark thought lingering in the back of his mind, causing a headache to emerge. This was not a good idea.

Author's Note: I'm sorry about not uploading last week! I've been locked out of Wattpad on my phone, so I had to wait until finals were over this week to focus on logging in on my computer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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