2 - The first day (Doge)

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     I hear the train bells ringing, I look up, and to no surprise, there's the train heading towards me. Anxiety shoots through my sympathetic nervous system immediately, the general adaptation system taking effect. Heart pounding, knees weak, palms sweaty, I walk into the train with my suitcase trailing behind me. Augh it smells like shit in here. I look to my left and meet the gaze of a guy, clearly tweaking off something. He's hunched over, crunching a water bottle over and over again. Look away, Doge, don't anger him. But I can't get over the repulsive stench he's letting off. Why are his palms straight black? Why is his hair sticking up like that...? Eugh...

    The conductor calls the last stop, and everyone gets off. Thank god that guy is gone. I walk to the conductor and give him the secret passcode, "Perplexed Scrubwren", letting him know I'm here for the academy. He gives me a nod and starts the train again. Immediately, I'm knocked off my balance from the sheer speed he's going. "Holy shit," I say reflexively. Why is this going so fucking fast?? I manage to stand up by holding onto the bars, and I get a glimpse of the window. It's going so fast I can't even make out anything from the outside, it's all a blur. Does this thing have fucking rocket jet blasters attached to it?? Wtf. In less than 3 minutes, the train comes to a halt and I can see the magnificence of the academy in front of me. "Woah," I audibly say
     "Just wait till you get off, It looks even better in person." The conductor says to me.
     "Thanks for the ride," I flash him a grin, "I can't wait." 

     Stepping out of the train, the grandeur of the place instantly encompasses me. Any doubt or worry I had about coming here is relieved at once. I swallow my nerves and walk confidently into the building. The environment of this place.. It's something else. Students surround me, talking in groups, and walking to class, the halls are rich with opulence. There's an energy here, everyone here is passionate, a radiance surrounding them like they really belong here. But me? I'm a nobody. Who even am I? I'm just a kid whose parents died when he was 7. It doesn't help I transferred here in the middle of the term anyway. Where am I even supposed to be going? Isn't my tour guide supposed to be here? What was his name again.. Raylen? Raegan? Rayvinh..? I think that was the one. I suppose I'll ask around..
     "Excuse me," I tap on someone's shoulder. He has red spiky hair, how peculiar.. "I just transferred here, I'm supposed to meet a guy named Rayvinh? Do you know who that is?"
     "Oh! You must be Doge Master! I'm Rayvinh, nice to meet you!" He says. "Sp shall we start the tour?"
     This guy seems friendly I guess.. I follow him around the school. Why does he keep asking me these weird hypotheticals.. 
     "So where's my dorm gonna be? Can I meet my roommates?" I ask
     "Yeah, it's just this way, follow me"
     He leads me to a luxurious room, three beds sit in the room, adorned with gold details and covered in silk sheets. 
     "Woah.." I say while dropping my bags.
     "Well, I'll let you get settled in now. Let me know if you need anything. Here's my number." He takes my phone and inputs his number under his contact. "I'll send you a copy of your schedule as well." He waves goodbye and leaves me in my dorm.

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