3 - Settling in (Doge)

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     I start to unpack my things as two guys walk into the room.
     "Who are you?" The guy in blue asks.
     "Uh I um.. I'm Doge.. Master.. Doge Master." I stammer.
     "Oh. So you're the new transfer student," he says, almost like he's annoyed with my presence.       "I heard you only just turned 14, how'd you get in early?"
     "Oh I don—" I start to reply.
     "Hey! Is that my bed? What is your stuff doing on it?" The other one yells.
     "I— I didn't know it was yours.. I just thought—"  He cuts me off again.
     "Whatever, just get your shit off my bed." He walks toward me and in a single, swift motion, he knocks my belongings off his sheets and lies down.
     "Sorry.." I scramble to pick up my things. As I go to grab my textbook, a foot steps on the cover. I look up. It's the blue one.
     "You never answered my question. How did you get admitted a year early?"
     "I don't know.. I just worked really hard I guess.." I say in a whisper-like voice.
     "What, are you trying to say you're better than us?" He questions.
     "Huh?! No— I'm sorry okay?"
    "Yeah, you better be. The name's Wilton," He says, looking down at me. "And that guy over there," Pointing to the guy lying on the bed, "That's Footletuce."
     "Oh okay. Nice to meet you guys!" I say while sticking out my hand, attempting to be as friendly as possible. Wilton just looks down at it and scoffs, walking towards the side of Footletuce's bed. What douchebags..
     I continue to pick up my things until I hear the bell start ringing. Footletuce and Wilton get up and start walking out of the room.
     "Hey! Wait where are you guys going?" I ask
     "Better check your schedule!" Footletuce laughs.
     Assholes. Is this seriously how my year here is gonna go? I knew I didn't belong here. I open my phone and check the schedule Rayvinh sent me. Breakfast: 8:00 A.M. What time is it now? Oh shit. It's 8:02. I'm gonna be late on my first day? Fuck. I leave my things sprawled on the floor and run out the room. Where was the dining hall again..? I swear Rayvinh said it was this way.. Why is this place so big? I turn left. Alchemy class? That's not the dining hall. I make another left. More dormitories.. I feel the tears well up in my eyes. I shouldn't be here... No, stop. I take a deep breath. Remember mom and dad? This is what they wanted for you. Don't let them down. I muster up all the courage I have left to find my way to the dining hall. BAM!
     I bump into something. "Owww..." I say, rubbing my head.
     "Shouldn't you be at breakfast right now, young man?" The voice says. I look up, damn this guy is old. Is this a teacher?
     "I don't know how to get to the dining hall."
     "I see, you must be the new student! Mr. Master?" The old guy says.
     "Yeah.. That's me."
     "Delightful! I'm Professor Walnut. I teach sacred geometry, I look forward to seeing you in class. Now, I'm running late as well, let's make our way to the dining hall shall we?"
I give him a nod and follow his lead. At last, we arrive. The smell of waffles fills my nostrils, and I notice how hungry I've been. I've been so busy I forgot I haven't eaten anything.. Where am I gonna sit? I don't even know anyone. Oh! There's Wilton and Footletuce! I smile and walk towards them. Wilton shoots daggers with his eyes at me. Yeah maybe that's not the best idea, I retreat and spot an empty seat among a small group of students. Well, I hope they won't mind.
     "Is it okay if I sit here?" I ask.
     "Of course," The guy smiles and pulls out the chair for me. "Are you new?"
     "Yup," Getting real tired of people asking me that. "I'm Doge."
     "Nice. I'm Klicks. This is Toaster, Seth, Alex, and Vwoozi."
     Okay, maybe my stay here won't be so bad after all. Am I actually gonna make friends?
     "So how's your first day going?" The therian femboy asks. I think that one is Seth?
     "I don't know, I'm managing I guess."
     "Really? You seem down, what's up?" Seth says
     "I mean, I just got here, but I don't know if this is the right place for me. It's my roommates,      Footletuce and Wilton, and well— they're just not the nicest.." I reply
     "Oh, those guys? Pft—" Toaster says, "Don't mind them, they're notorious for being assholes. But really, they're just upset they aren't in the angel guild."
     "Really? That's reassuring. What do you mean angel guild?" I ask.
Of course, I know what guilds are, I studied for years to get into here. I'm just afraid if I don't keep the conversation going, I'm not gonna have any friends to talk to. So, I do my best to act clueless.
     Toaster replies, "Everyone here is sorted into different guilds. You have the Unchosens— the lowest guild— and at the top, you have the Angels. They're the most powerful beings in the school, only a few are sorted as Angels each year. In between, you have the Enchanters, Healers, and Conjurors— that's what I am— and each guild is stronger than the last."
     "Yeah," Klicks adds, "But you're only really screwed if you get sorted into the Unchosens. Of course, you can always work to get out of it, but few end up doing so. The rest of the guilds— the Enchanters, Healers, and Conjurors— are hardly stronger than each other."
     "Pft. You're just saying that 'cause you're an enchanter and not a conjuror like me." Toaster says.
     "Shut up," Klicks replies. "But seriously, don't feel bad if you're not an Angel, Doge. 90% of our academy is in the other three guilds anyway."
I'm about to reply, but an announcement comes over the speaker. I divert my attention to the front of the dining hall, where I see Rayvinh on the stage behind a mic. Is he the one giving the announcement?
     "How come Rayvinh is giving the announcements?" I ask them.
     "Oh, you know Rayvinh?" Seth asks. "He's the top student at our academy, a 4th year in the Angel guild. He's so lucky."
     "Really? I had no idea, he was my tour guide. What year are you guys in, by the way?"
     "Klicks, Toaster, Alex, and I are in our 3rd year. Vwoozi is in her 2nd." Seth replies. "You look young, this is your first year I presume?"
     "Yeah, but I'm a year younger than everyone. I got admitted into the academy early." I say. Great. The only group of friends I had a chance to make aren't even in my year. Am I gonna be stuck with Wilton and Footletuce?
     "Huh, you must be pretty skilled then. Have you been sorted into a guild yet?" Seth asks.
     "Nope, I'm not sure when that's gonna happen."
     "Well, coming here a year early is impressive. No doubt you're capable, maybe you'll even enter the Angel class, conjuror at the least."
     "Yeah.. I hope so..." I say.

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