9 - A New Perspective (Doge)

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     "I—I'm what?" I splutter, horrified. "Are— Are you sure?"
     "Yes, I'm afraid it says so right here," Headmaster says, gesturing to the book. "I'm sure you're aware of the procedures here, you can work to get out of the unchosen guild, but it's going to be very hard. Now, if you'll excuse me, the sorting ceremony has concluded. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me at my office." The headmaster leaves the room.
     I can't help but fall to my knees. It's my first day here. My roommates hate me, I injured myself, had videos spread about me, and now I'm in the unchosen guild. I've disappointed everyone. I disappointed myself, and most importantly, Mom and Dad. How would they feel if they knew I made it to the academy, only to end up as an unchosen? I feel the tears start to fall on my cheeks. 
     The library doors open. "Doge?" A voice asks. I looked up, it's Toaster.
     I sniffle. "H—hey," I say, wiping my eyes. "What are you doing here?"
     "What am I doing here? I should be asking you that. I came to pick up a book. Are you.. crying?"
     "Um.. No.."
     "You're on the floor. I watched you wipe your eyes." He sighs, "What's wrong?"
     "I'm sure you saw the v—video of me," I say while crying. "That was bad enough— I just got sorted into the— the— the Unchosens"
     "Oh Doge... I'm sorry.. Come on, it's lunchtime, come sit with us."
     "Okay.." I mutter weakly.
     I follow Toaster to the dining hall. I'm greeted by Klicks, Vwoozi, Alex, and that femboy guy whose name I forgot.
     "He just got sorted as an Unchosen," Toaster tells the group.
     Okay. Way to air out my business..
     "Doge.. we're sorry. It's going to be okay," Klicks says, soothingly. "Okay! we're not just gonna mope around and be sad. Your fate isn't sealed, Doge. You can still work to join the other guilds."
     "Yeah! You're not just going to accept being an Unchosen right? No! you're gonna work hard to meet your full potential!" Alex adds.
     "Yeah.. Yeah, you're right! This isn't the end. I'm gonna prove everyone wrong." I stand up from my seat, "I'm gonna show Wilton and Footletuce they can't mess with me! I'm gonna show the magic-sorting-book-pen-thingy I'm so much more than an unchosen!" I exclaim.
     "Okay.. pause get back in your seat..." Alex says. "But you're right. If anyone can do this, it's you. Remember how hard you worked to get in here? You got here a year earlier than everyone, do you know how impressive that is?"
     "Thank you, guys.. It's been really hard for me lately. But I'm so thankful I have a group of friends I can count on." I tell them.
     "We're lucky to have you too," Klicks says.
     And with that, the lunch bell rings and I'm walking to my 4th class.


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