Chapter Fifteen: Lost to drugs

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Baila's POV

Oh shit he's gonna kill me. I fretted internally, feeling the rush of anxiety. I immediately made my character to lie down in the grass as I made the character perform the bandage action which is basically the healing process which boosts the character's HP.

The character that was after me ranked gold while I was still silver. This was my only shot to ranking to gold. Once I screw this I have to start the Battle Royale all over again. It's just the two of us remaining in the zone right now and I have to annihilate him to become the winner.

I reloaded my gun, my favorite Thompson sniper whilst focusing on the character. He was looking around for me but couldn't pinpoint exactly where I was. I know his map is giving him signal that I was around, but he can't pinpoint where since I'm concealed in the grasses. Why I'm even more wary of this character is that he's just as good as me. Even better. All he delivers is one bullet in the head. Just one shot and you're gone. I've come this far, I can't loose like this.

I aimed at his head and shot.

The notorious character crumbled down, dead.

Once again, I emerged the winner.


I stood from the gaming chair, keeping the game control beside the screen as I felt a burst of excitement. I remain undefeated, the best gamer in Score Pub. I've been victorious, always been.

I genuinely love playing survival games like this one. Just any game which involves destroying everyone to claim the title of 'winner'. I love. Or thriller games which requires one to be extremely crafty and cautious. I loveeee.

The feeling of accomplishment I get after acing them games can't be described for real. I don't even feel as excited as I feel after passing my exams like I feel after acing a game.

"Trust my babe to always be the best" I felt Danny sneak his hand around my shoulder to crash me softly into his chest.

"So you was here all the time.." I gasped, a little startled by his prescence.

The game I just finished playing involved online players by the way. Sometimes a few players play at the arcade place in Score Pub, but it still remains the least visited corner of the pub and I love it just like that. The people here preferred to play snooker, bet games, cards, etc. Perhaps they believe video games are too childish for "classy" people like them.

"Yes. I watched you murder every character in the zone. You're such a badass player you know that? Not just gaming. Everything you do is badass. I love it so much" he went on

Sadly for him, I'm not flattered. I'm more worried about this arm of his that he has lined across my shoulders.

"Thanks..." I rolled my eyes, shrugging my shoulders for him to take his arm off me. I don't know why Danny is still unable to tell that his flattery don't impress me. This clinginess of his turns me off even more. I hate it so much. I literally feel like things are creeping up under my skin or something.

He sighed disappointedly, looking away. He's always pissed off when I don't this, but that doesn't stop him from doing it again the next day. I'm so uncomfortable. I wondered what made me say yes to this relationship.

"Baila!" I hear Leely call my name loudly as she showed up in the awkward scene between a boyfriend who enjoys skinship and a girlfriend who didn't know how she got herself into the relationship.

I wondered what was up that made Leely show up at my gaming zone like this. She rarely comes around here and is mostly around Fahad in the other part of the pub whilst I play here. Everyday I'm the one who meets her there after I'm done playing my games or hanging around with Danny so we go home.

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