brady hepner- lacrosse

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description: you go to your boyfriend's lacrosse game and he's getting a little aggressive😟

it's a saturday and today i'm going to my boyfriend, brady's lacrosse game. it's not an unusual thing for you to do, as you go to most of his games anyway, although today he seemed off since the moment i saw him.

maybe he just woke up like this... i think to myself as i watch him warming up from the bleachers.

the team he's playing today is a hard team to beat according to my friend's sibling who once played for that club.

i look at the other team's warm up, analyzing the way they play. my eyes shift back to brady and i lock eyes with him. his blue eyes piece into mine and i smile at him, but he just turns away without even acknowledging me.

that's weird...

maybe he just doesn't want to get distracted. eventually the game starts and the intensity is immediately evident.

both teams are playing hard, but about halfway through the other team scores causing the score to change from 3-3 to 4-3 them.

i watch brady as his jaw clenches and his grip on his lacrosse stick tightens. my eyes go back to the other team, scanning how each player celebrates the goal in a way to slightly rub salt into the wound.

i feel eyes on me and i turn back towards brady and his eyes are once again on mine. instead of smiling at me like he usually does, he just looks away again.

my eyebrows furrow at this and i pick up my phone to try and distract myself from feeling like commenting on it.

after about 5ish minutes i put my phone back down and focus on the game again. a couple more minutes pass and brady's team has the ball.

one of brady's teammates, Jackson, is running down the field, cradling the ball as he goes. brady is on the opposite side.

jackson passes the ball to brady once their close to the goal and brady shoots and scores. i smile and clap looking at the both of them.

the score is now 4-4 and there isn't too much time left.

i'm on the edge of my seat as the game continues, watching as each team gets the ball and shoots and the ball either misses the goal or the goal keeper saves it.

i watch as brady's team gets the ball and are running down the field once again. there's about 2 minutes left and neither team has scored.

brady gets the ball from a teammate and runs it toward the goal but notices that jackson has a better shot.

brady passes the ball quickly to jackson who catches it easily. i cheer for jackson as he shoots and makes the goal.

i don't want to seem rude and not cheer for him so i yell his name and clap like i would anyone else.

finally the game ends and brady's team won 5-4, yet brady still seems a bit aggravated. i make way towards him as he gathers his helmet and stick and other items.

"hey brady." i greet him, smiling. brady only hums in response and my eyebrows immediately furrow.

we start walking to the car. "you did so well! especially your goal." i beam, trying to ignore his attitude.

"mhm." he replies, not even looking at me. "you okay?" i ask him, fed up with his not even one worded responses.

"i'm fine." brady says, opening the trunk and setting his equipment in. at least it was actual words this time.

"brady, you know i'm not stupid. i can tell when something is wrong. what happened? i thought you'd be happy you won." i ask, crossing my arms over my chest and sitting in the passenger's seat.

brady shuts the driver's seat door and looks at me.

"it's not like you're really interested." brady rolls his eyes. my face contorts to a look of confusion.

"brady, what?" i ask, confused.

"y/n, the entire time you were staring at the other team, cheering for jackson, or on your phone!" brady exclaims.

"what? no i wasn't! i looked to the other team to see how they played and when i looked back to you i smiled and you didn't do anything back even though it was obvious that you saw me, i looked at me phone to distract myself from your actions, and i cheered for jackson because he scored!" i explain.

brady lightens up slightly, but not entirely. "okay fine, but that doesn't explain why you didn't cheer for me like you did jackson." brady says, crossing his arms over my chest.

"brady, i swear on my life i would never, ever put anyone of your teammates over you. you know that your the only person that i love and i wouldn't do anything to to purposely make you not trust me or anything like that. in all honesty, i'm somewhat hurt that you think that i'd choose jackson over you." i reply.

brady searches my face for any kind of lie or anything like that and when he finds honesty he sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"i'm so sorry y/n. i guess i got so caught up in being in a bad mood and all that, that i snapped at you. i know you wouldn't do that and that was stupid of me for suggesting that. i love you." brady apologizes.

i smile at him, knowing he didn't mean to get jealous or anything. brady leans towards me soon connects our lips, tilting his head to get a better angle.

we part after a moment and brady smiles at me.

"i'll make it up to you, i promise. we can watch Grown Ups tonight." brady smiles, putting the car in reverse and driving out of the parking spot.

i laugh. "sounds good to me."

(1,021 words)
there's not much to say today SO BYE POOKIES🤭

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