chapter 2

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"Hey, Summer? Wake up."

I groan. "Go away."

"You have to wake up. I let you sleep way too long."

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. "Where am I?" I mumble. There's a blanket on my body and a pillow is propped up where my head was.

"We're in the library. You passed out an hour ago," a guy responds. I turn to the sound of his voice. He's sitting on a bean bag, reading a book. His eyes are on the page.

"Have you been sitting there the whole time?" I ask with a stern voice.

He turns his attention to me and smiles. "Maybe."


"To make sure you're okay."

"Why did you stay? You could've left. I was just drunk. It's a party. You're allowed to leave me and go have fun."

He puts the book down and smirks. "If you were just drunk, why did you pass out?"

"Uh... I don't know."

"Have you ever blacked out before?" He stands up and puts the book back on the shelf.

"I've been drunk before."

"You know what I mean," he sighs. "Do you know the symptoms of alcohol poisoning?" He turns around and faces me. His expression is serious.

"Alcohol poisoning?" I ask, confused. "Is that even real?"

"Yeah," he laughs.

"Well, what are the symptoms?" I grab a pillow and clutch it close to my chest. I need something to hold.

"Nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and confusion," he lists, a little smirk growing on his face.

"Well, I guess I did experience a couple of those," I mutter.

"You're lucky I found you, or you might've had to go to the hospital," he chuckles.

"How do you know all of this stuff?"

"I want to be a doctor." He walks over to me and sits down next to me.

"Oh. How did you know my name? You said it before," I ask, remembering.

"I heard a girl calling out your name, so I assumed it was you. She had brown hair and purple highlights" he says, "I remember you said your friend has pink highlights, so I told her you're safe and I got you covered. I think she went home with this guy. I think they fucked, too." I groan. Of course Mei went home with a guy. She always does.

"Who are you?" I spit out, curious about who he is.

"Dylan. Dylan Miller," he answers, extending his hand out. I shake it.

"Well, thanks for, um, helping me. I guess," I mumble.

"No problem." He smiles and opens his legs wide. The man spread. He's wearing gray sweatpants and a white hoodie. I normally wouldn't be drooling over this basic outfit, but at this very moment, I am. He looks so fucking amazing. I think I'm still drunk.

"So, um, why were you here?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation going. I don't want it to stop. I need to keep talking or I might pass out again. "In the library, I mean."

"I like reading." He shrugs. "I'd rather read than party."

"Oh." I don't add that I like to read as well.

"Are you hungry?" He asks, standing up.

"Not really."

"Too bad. We're going to order pizza." He walks out of the library.

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