Chapter Twenty Three

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Three stops later and it was like tour life was all Laney knew. Morgan being arrested was in the headlines but his breaking records were taking the spotlight. It was Morgan's world and everyone else was just living in it.

As the plane parked in Nebraska, Laney was packing up her painting supplies as Morgan woke up from a deep slumber. The eerie clouds swirled in the sky as the rain began to slowly fall from the clouds. As she turned to Morgan, it was as if he read her mind as he handed her his grey sweatshirt.

Putting it on, they waited for the stairs to cascade, allowing them to exit.

"The show won't be canceled it's only going to rain for an hour," Morgan showed Laney.

She nodded as she began walking down the steps, "That's good. I'm dressing real cozy tonight".

"You don't have to wear a thing," he cheekily said, earning him a small hit on the arm from Laney.

Getting into the car, Laney rested her head on his shoulder as he twiddled with her fingers and picked up a phone call. The view of cornfields was the only thing in sight minus an occasional gas station as they approached the stadium.

"We are going to be in the car for a while, they have to deem the stadium in good condition to enter," the driver said as he halted to a stop at the stadium gate.

Laney began scrolling through her messages on Instagram from Mia before going onto her laneycreations account. Finding the picture of the canyons she painted previously, she came up with a caption: Canyon Under The Sun. Posting it, she closed out of her phone.

Morgan grabbed her cheek to give her a big kiss which she returned as the car began to pull forward and park. Getting out, the two hopped into a golf cart with Bean and hopped out to the wardrobe room. Morgan proceeded to soundcheck as Laney went into the wardrobe room.

Cook got up to greet her, "Hey Lane!".

"Hey Cook, how is your day going?".

"I've been editing pictures, just sent you yours. What are you wearing tonight?".

Laney began shifting through her current clothes as she picked out some leggings and a fuzzy brown cardigan.

"That's cute," Cook said.

"Thank you," Laney smiled as she proceeded to change.

It was the same routine but Laney had grown to love it. Driving through cities, and now even being recognized by some fans once in a while, she enjoyed being able to travel with her boyfriend. She could get used to this.

"Woah," Cook exclaimed, "Laney this painting is incredible. Are you selling it?".

Laney shrugged, "I'm not sure if anyone would want it. But I'll probably put it on eBay for bidding. What do you think?".

Cook nodded, "You could make a lot. We have time before Bean circles around with the cart".

Laney proceeded to list the painting on eBay and post it on her Instagram story while putting the link in her bio. Closing out, she and Cook heard a knock on the door. Coming out the door, the pair stood outside to see two different golf carts, which was highly unusual.

"Why are there two?" Cook asked Bean who was walking towards them.

"Laney come with me," Bean started which made Cook and Laney look at each other weirdly.

Laney shrugged at Cook before proceeding to sit next to Bean in the cart before he began to ride off. Bean looked at Laney and let out a sigh making Laney tense up. What was going on?

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