Chapter 9 - May 1st

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Today was May 1st, our second month of school and I'm guessing many of my classmates are freaking out right now. Our class had received 34,000 Points, I had my guesses throughout the month but I never went and investigated it. Based off of what Chabiyshira-Sensei said on our first day about our worth and merit I'm guessing that worth fluctuated based off of how we act in and out of class, it is just a guess however.


"Hey did you get 34,000 points too?"

"Where are the rest of our points?"

Various murmurs were heard throughout the class, every student was either asking or complaining about not having the right amount of points.


Chabiyshira-Sensei entered the room with a large roll of paper underneath her arm.

"Are there any questions before class starts?"

Ike cried out, "Where are all of our points?!"

Many others murmured agreements to Ike's question throughout the class.

"I'm 100% certain you all were deposited the correct amount of points." Sensei said.

"But I only got 34,000 points, you said we were going to get 100,000 points every month!" Someone called out.

"Are you all stupid?" Sensei said.

"Ho~ I don't remember anything about 100,000 points monthly." Koenji said.

"Koenji is right for crying out loud."

"Wait Sensei, why did we lose points?" Hirata asked.

"A total of 186 absences, 58 tardies, and 88 cases of being on phones or not paying attention in class. Due to all of this we deemed your value as lower than previously before. I cannot explain our exact formula for it." Chiybashirs sensei said.

(Less absences, tardies, and phone usage due to the students interest in Pokemon, because of their interest they payed more attention and came to class more and on time)

"I don't remember you saying any of this? If we knew we wouldn't have acted how we did." Hirata said.

"Are you in primary school still? Why would we have to tell you to behave?" Sensei countered.

She then placed the roll of paper on the board.

Class A - 980 Class Points

Class B - 810 Class Points

Class C - 440 Class Points

Class D - 340 Class Points

"These are currently the class rankings. If you were to gain more Class Points then Class C then you would become the new Class C. If you want the 100% College acceptance and job guarantee then you must graduate from Class A." She explained.

Various shouts and complaints were heard throughout the class. No one believed it was fair but unfortunately life is not fair, my life is enough proof to that.

"There is a chance today to gain Class Points. If you look at the community discussion post about the tag team battle tournament you'll see it has been updated."

She was right, along with the 50,000 Private Points now the duo that wins would get 100 Class Points. 50 Class Points each if the duo are from different classes.

The day of the tournament was not a coincidence and I'm sure of that. This new revelation was to make students fight harder. They want to see the true potential when students have something they need to fight for, anyone in the tournament now has pressure on them from their entire class.

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