Chapter Three: Practice for the Future

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20th of July 2014 - York House

After arriving back home from the Maldives after their honeymoon, the last couple of days have been crazy for Albert and Elena.

From moving into the newly renovated York House, and slowly starting to plan their work schedules and on top of all of this Elena hasn't been feeling the best as of late, she's been feeling super nauseous, feeling the need to throw up, feeling tired all the time and needing to pee every 5 minutes. 

Elena didn't think anything of these symptoms until she noticed one major symptom... she missed her period.

Grabbing a pregnancy test while she was at the supermarket, Elena quickly unpacked everything, she then made her way into the main bathroom not having to worry about Albert catching her because he was at Buckingham Palace having a meeting. 

Taking the pregnancy test and waiting the full three minutes felt like an eternity for Elena, within those three minutes she was thinking about how her life could possibly change based on the results of this test. 

The sound of Elena's alarm snapping her out of her thoughts meant that the results of the test would be up by now... slowly picking up the test to find the results saying positive... Elena was pregnant, the one thing she most wanted in life was about to become true.

Tears running down her face, she couldn't help but feel excited, emotional and of course a little nervous... Elena's life was about to once again change, not only had she married the love of her life and joined the most historic family in history but now she was about to become a mother.

The sound of Albert's voice calling out for her snapped Elena back into reality, she quickly hid the pregnancy test in her makeup bag knowing that Albert wouldn't go in there, she quickly fixed her makeup to make it seem like she hadn't been crying and went out into the kitchen where she found Albert waiting for her. 

She wanted to tell Albert about her being pregnant in a special way so she waited to tell him until later tonight, seeing as she had to go back out and buy the things for her surprise. 

"Hey handsome," Elena greeted her husband with a kiss and a hug. "How was the meeting?" She then asked her husband. 

Albert kissed and hugged his wife back. "The meeting was alright just about work starting back up next month and that was about it." Albert informed his wife about his meeting. 

"You ready for our babysitting duties tonight?" Albert said with a chuckle. Tonight Elena's older brother David had asked if they were able to babysit his son Christian who was 10 months old now. 

"Of course, it makes perfect practice for the future." Elena said with a smile on her face, she always loved babysitting her nephew.

"But I need to pop out really quick to get some things that I forgot at the supermarket so I'll be back soon." She made her way out the door so she could buy her supplies for Albert's gift.

30 mins later 

Arriving back home Elena was able to put her present together without Albert finding her as he was in another meeting but this time it was over the phone. She put her present in her bag, she then got ready as it was almost time to leave to head to her brothers house.

Checking the time on the clock it was about time to head over to her brother David's house. "Hey, come on it's almost 5:30 we need to be there by 6pm," Elena said. 

Gathering all of their things, they made their way to the car and headed to David's home which was about 20-25 minutes away from York House.

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Prince Albert, Duke of AvondaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin