12 - Never Want To Forget

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I still want to hold on, because I don't want to forget it all. I never want everything about you to remain as something that only exists far beyond my reach... — Florence Joyce


The sun was up already by the time Amy woke up from a night's sleep. It was strange, but she was able to get some sleep even with her emotions in chaos just the other night.

Or should she thank Edmund for that?

Amy couldn't help smiling at the thought of what happened last night. Yes, it was emotional. That was a given. But she also felt... relieved, for some reason.

Could it be that... because she knew that it doesn't really end here in Narnia? It was a weird thought, but she chose not to pay attention to it.

With a sigh, Amy entered the guest room she had used. Only to be surprised to see Edmund by the study table.

Wait... why was he looking at her adventure journal?

Soon after, she frowned at the sight of his serious expression as he continued flipping through her notebook. Why would he have that expression on his face, though?

But as much as she felt bad for having the urge to disturb Edmund, she knew she had to.

"You look so serious reading that, Edmund," Amy said as she finally decided to enter the room.

Of course, her action had startled the young king. She had the urge to laugh at the sight, to be honest. But she chose not to do so. She didn't want to embarrass him any further.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to read through your journal again. But... I just couldn't help it."

Amy smiled once again and shook her head. "Don't apologize. I think I had an idea about your reason for looking in that journal."

Of course, her statement had made him frown. But she chose not to explain anymore as she continued approaching him. "Are you alright?"

Edmund looked at her for a short while before he answered with a nod. "I did get to sleep well, even with our discussion last night."

"I'm sure you know that's not what I meant to ask."

He didn't say anything after that, however. And she understood. So she chose not to probe into it further. Instead, she took the journal that was on the table before facing Edmund.

"So what did you think of the new adventures written here? But you have to know that I still haven't finished writing all of them there. I'm sure you're aware that there's still a lot that needs to be written."

"I wish I could read them once they're done. But... I don't think that's going to happen anymore." After that, she saw Edmund sigh before smiling as he faced her. "By the way, can I ask you something?"

Though confused, Amy nodded. "Sure. About what?"

"Who's Herbert Carson?"

"Huh?" Why would he mention and ask about that name?

"I saw that name on the leather cover of your journal," he answered and then pointed at the journal she was holding.

When Amy looked at the part of the journal that he was talking about, it was when it hit her. "Ah, you mean my grandfather? This leather cover was something he gave to me while I was younger along with several sets of notebooks that he made himself."

"It seems to me that he's the one who encouraged you to write this much, huh?"

"Well, he did his best to keep his memories alive in all of the journals that he had written since he was a child. He only said that I do my best to document my life in any way I can. Writing them down is one of the ways I did that. Even when some of them could be called 'absurd' since I truly detailed my adventures here in Narnia before."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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