Chapter 12.

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The Chinese Triads had not forgotten the damage done to them by Hawaii's top cop  - Mano. Even now, some years later they were planning something new, something that would shake up the islands.
Pinyin Wang had grown up without the influence of his grandfather in his formative years and it was a wrong that he meant to remedy. Emerging from university with an honours degree in history one would have thought that perhaps Pinyin would now teach, but the young man had his own ideas about life and the paths he would tread.
He was proud of his Chinese heritage and looked to the history of his own country for guidance; liking, for example, the Qing Dynasty during the Boxer Rebellion of 1899. Although they had lost they had stood up against the might of eight nations and had given them something to think about. The Chinese people were no pushovers. He particularly liked what had happened in the decade following 1901 with the growth of the top-secret Tongmenghui, an underground resistance movement whose aim was to promote Chinese or Han nationalism and overthrow the ruling Qing Dynasty.
Pinyin had studied the ways his predecessors had tried and failed to take out Mano, aware too that terrorist groups from other countries had also failed. It told him something about his adversary. Mano was a very dangerous individual indeed. He was a slight, young man of about twenty-three with a thin face and lean, lithe look. Those who knew him well were willing to concede that he was also a very dangerous individual. There were many who were afraid of him and his family connections to the triads.
The triads had formed in the 18th and 19th century as an organisation opposed to the ruling Qing Dynasty. In later years, they were allied with the Kuomintang to help overthrow political opponents, and later becoming a vast criminal enterprise dealing with murder, illegal gambling, prostitution, people smuggling, robberies, larceny and all manner of crimes including computer and cybercrime and fraud.
Since taking an interest in Mano and his entourage, Pinyin had identified a weak spot in Mano's armour. It was only a small thing but given the right circumstances it could conceivably work. He had noticed that at least once a month Mano liked to bring his people out for a night on the town, inclusive of all their respective partners. Invariably those plans always included dinner and one spot was favoured over others - Chinatown.
Where better to take revenge?
Pinyin nearly had to laugh at the irony of it all. There was one Chinese restaurant that was the favourite and Pinyin wasted no time in getting his own man in as head chef.
The means would be poison.
Aconitum. A deadly herb aconitum was also known as aconite, monkshood, wolfsbane, leopard's bane, devil's helmet and blue rocket.

"Don't want it now," Mano declared. "My appetite has suddenly disappeared."

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