Rebel 6

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I had figured that it was Topper's doing. He must've shared the video of Kelice dancing on me and the others had seen it. Topper truly despised anything or anyone associated with the Pogues. He wanted JB and the others to collect their little sister before I got too close with Sarah, or any of the Kooks for that matter. I was a threat to everything he'd built. 

"Lucy, what the fuck happened?" Sarah asked as we made it back to her house. She completely ignored Topper's attempt to embrace her and walked straight for me.

"Your fucking boyfriend posted that video," I turned to Topper, "didn't you Topper?" I laughed at the look on his face, he was so scared. "Trying to push the limit as always." I walked past him towards the entrance to the house. Sarah followed closely behind me and ignored Topper again as he tried to explain. 

We made it up to her room quietly and quickly. "I'm so sorry about all of this, is Rafe okay?" My voice was in shambles. "I can't believe they've come here like this." 

"You don't have to go with them if you don't want to Lucy, you have a choice in this. Rafe will be fine, he always is." She stopped me from grabbing my bag, "You can stay here the night if you want, my dad won't mind and it'll probably give everyone some time to cool off." 

"Thank you, Sarah, seriously." I paused for a moment. "I don't know why you're being so nice to me, we've always been such enemies." I slumped down on her vanity chair. 

"I've never been your enemy Lucy. Just because we were born into different lives doesn't mean we have to hate each other." She smiled, "Seriously though, you should stay. I have a feeling Rafe is gonna chase down that van if you leave with them." 

I laughed at the thought, "Rafe doesn't care that much, but it would be entertaining to see that boy run after me. The too good for anyone Cameron"  I mocked. 

"Oh, you have no idea how much Rafe cares. Girl he's been obsessed with you since pre-k." She laughed. "I think he honestly writes a diary about you and only you." 

"I find that very hard to believe but I'm flattered." I laughed, I did want to stay at Sarah's. John B has clearly not been the golden brother he used to be, I would probably face another slap if I went home with them. 

"I'll go tell them I'm staying here, I bet it will go perfectly well." I made my way back downstairs and was faced with yet another fight breaking out. This time it was Rafe and John B.

"You need to stay the fuck away from my sister, Cameron." John B screeched well being held back by JJ. Wait what? JJ is holding my brother back. That is unheard of.

"John B we need to go man. It's done." JJ exclaimed, he locked eyes with me and spoke again, "Where's your bag, we're leaving Lucy don't even try." 

Rafe was sitting on the edge of the hot tub looking very unbothered. I replied to JJ with a stern voice, "I'm staying here JJ. It's better that way." Kie began to protest but I cut her off, "You guys should go. I'm perfectly fine here." 

"No." John B stated, "There is no chance I'm leaving my little sister at some Kooks house," He started walking away, forcing JJ to let go of his hold. "Get in the van." A scarily calm voice came over him when he was being stubborn. This was one of those times. 

"John B-" He cut me off by grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the exit. Rafe stood up immediately and was between the two of us in a split second. His eyes pierced through John B. Yeah JB was about to get his ass handed to him if he so much as laid a finger on me. 

"She said no Routledge, now get the fuck out of my house. Before I make you." His voice was so threatening, that even Kie stopped arguing behind us. JJ was between them before I knew it. Their eyes locked, fists clenched and silent. 

Rafe broke the silence after a few moments, "You really wanna do this?" 

"I'm taking her home," JJ replied. "Pope, go get the van started and take John B with you." He continued without looking away from Rafe. Pope complied but JB wouldn't move a muscle.

"So much for we're the only family we have left." He scoffed at me. "You're dead to me." 

"Shut up John B, go the fuck away. I'll handle it." JJ turned and yelled at him, finally dropping his starring competition with Rafe. Kie grabbed John B and the three of them marched away. "Lucy please, we need to go home." He pleaded with me. 

I don't know about you but after my brother said I was dead to him, I kind of made my mind up about where I wanted to be. 

"I am home," My voice broke, "I don't belong on the cut anymore." His heart visibly shattered, the look on his face was grief. He stepped towards me but Rafe stopped that instantly.

"She said leave Maybank." Rafe's voice was even and calm. "I'll walk you out."

JJ protested and fought his way toward me, "If you do this, you'll never come back. Please Lucy don't do this to me. I love you." He announced in front of everyone. 

"That's enough, let's go." Rafe pushed him away as JJ bashed against him. 

"NO, NO LUCY, PLEASE." He screamed.

I had no words. I just stood there silent and watched him get forced away. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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