Chapter 7

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Updating because tomorrow's my birthday woo

Zayn's POV

That night my mom and I watched lots of movies and joked around. I missed her and it was nice to catch up with her.
The next morning I woke up and got ready for school. After taking a shower and getting dressed, I went into the kitchen to see my mom sitting by the small table, reading a newspaper and drinking coffee.

"Morning sweetheart," she said looking up from the paper.
"Hey mom. Why aren't you at work?" I ask her, taking my pancakes out of the microwave.
"Oh well I didn't have to go in early so in having a quiet morning," she replied
"That's cool," I said.
When I finished my pancakes I went and kissed my mom goodbye and went to the garage and got into my dad's matte black Range Rover. Mom said I could use it. I get to school and I'm greeted by Mahogany and Nash.
"Hey Zayn," Mahogany greets me as I get out of my car.
"Hey M. Hey Nash," I said looking at the both of them.
"Hey man," he said waving a little.
We walked into the school building and as soon as I enter the door, Niall rushes up to me.
"Zaynie!" He shouts giving me a huge hug.
"Hey Nialler," I laugh as I return the kind gesture.
"What class do you have?" He asks.
I check my timetable and groan. "Art with Harry," I say rolling my eyes.
"Sorry man. It'll be ok," he says comforting me.
"Yeah. I need to go now. The art studio is on the other side of school. See you later guys," I say walking away.
"Bye," Niall, Mahogany and Nash chorus.
As I'm walking to class I pass by Louis' locker and go say hi to him.
"Guess who," I say covering his eyes.
"Um Susan Boyle?" He guesses.
"No silly it's me," I say uncovering his eyes and turn to him.
"Hey babe. I've missed you," he said giving me a hug and a kiss on the lips.
"I've missed you too Lou," I say.
"Are you feeling better from the other day?" He asks, concerned.
"Yeah much better," we say walking in the direction of the art studio. "My mom stayed with me and we had a little bonding day," I say smiling as I remember gossiping with my mom.
"That's great babe. Didn't she go to work?" He asks.
"She went for half the day. I really missed her," I say looking at Louis.
He smiles. "That's great Z. Well we're here. See you at lunch? He says standing by the door of the class.
"Defiantly. Bye babe," I say kissing Louis' cheek.
"Bye cutie," he whispers and walks to his class.
I enter my class and the bell rings. Ms. Sandler walks in and tells us to get on with our portraits of our partners. I turn to look at Harry and he's already drawing me. So I go ahead and start drawing.
"Hey Zayn," he says, not lifting his head.
"Um hi?" I say.
"Sorry about the beating we have you a few days ago," he says, now looking me in the eyes. He has really nice green eyes.
"It's fine. Don't worry," I say getting on with my work.

Harry's POV

I keep looking at Zayn while he draws. His eyebrows furrow in concentration and then looks up at me. I don't look down. I just stare into his brown eyes. They are the most beautiful things I've ever seen... He's the most beautiful thing I've seen. He looks back at his paper and continues drawing. I carry on drawing and hear Ms. Sandler talk.

"Guys you aren't allowed to look away from your partner. Only for a split second to look at your work. I want you to look deep into their eyes and capture every little thing on their faces. Those little specks of hazel in their eyes," she says and turns back to her canvas.

I look up at Zayn and see he's looking at me. He quickly looks at his paper to draw the hairs of my eyebrows. I carry on drawing his nose but I can't see it properly.

"Um Zayn please look up. I need to draw your nose," I said to him. He looks up and doesn't look down for the rest of the lesson. He even stops drawing for a minute and just looks into my eyes. Green meets brown...

The bell rings and he starts packing up and I walk past him and whisper
"Bye Zayn," barely audible.

A/N. It's my birthday tomorrow so here's an update. It's not really good but I just needed to write. I'll update soon. I'm starting to follow a schedule. Bye loves ❤️❤️

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