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The puddles splashed as the horses ran through them, the wind viciously howled around them.

"Faster! Faster!" Cried a man to the horses, his tears mixed with the rain as they ran down his face. He needed to get help, for Aemilia.

He was driving the carriage towards their last hope, they had been to every fairy, witch and wizard in the kingdom and everyone of them shook their heads, claimed she was a hopeless case.

Sobs came from the carriage behind him, his heart ached for his wife. He was almost there, almost there.

It was one of those days, the ones where the forest seemed to cry and mourn with them. The forest seemed haunting and he shivered under his thin clothes.

"Stop! Who goes there?" A small dwarf stood behind his door, protecting the grand door.

The man pulled his hood down.

"King Agosto."

"My King," the dwarf bowed down. "We have been expecting you."


Once upon a time, in a magical world there was a small kingdom called the Enchanted Forest, where King Agosto and Queen Jana reigned.

Whenever they were seen their people instantly fell in love with them.The King was fair and wise, while the Queen was kind and beautiful.

As Expected the Queen gave birth to a beautiful baby, a princess. They named her Princess Aemilia.

While the Princess grew up in the castle, her parents noticied something different about her, something not right. She would never smile at the flowers in gardens or marvel at the painting in her room.

She couldn't see the beauty in the world around her.

They soon realised that their daughter was born with a curse, a curse almost impossible to cure. Her parents took her to many witches and fairies but none could cure her.

With nothing else to do, The King and Queen feared for their kingdom. What kind of things their daughter would do. So they did what they had to, they sent their only beloved daughter away.

To a land as cruel as what Aemelia saw.

Princess Aemelia crushed with betrayal by her parents rejection, grew alone and bitter in her mansion. One day hoping she would be able to see beauty.

This is the prologue! who is excited? I am. Dont worry, not all chapters will be this short.Anyways bye......

Dont forget to watch the video up there :D

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