Chapter 2

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Emily's POV

The scorching rays of sunlight coming from my window, wake me up from one of the nightmares, nightmares I have every night. I honestly don't know what is worse my nightmares or reality.

I groan loudly, time to face reality. Yippeeeeee! Not.

The whole mansion is dead quiet

Still half-asleep changing out of my sweaty pajamas into some clothes that smell somewhat decent, warm and comfy, I wrinkle my nose in disgust as I look at myself in the mirror.

My face twisted and dry looking, dark circles decorating my empty eyes. Pits and warts completely cover my face. My hair.....or what I think was my hair looks dry and crusty, even though it feels extra greasy today.

Ever single day i see the same grotesque face staring back at me, this something I have seen my whole life. I don't even know why I'm still surprised.

Why do I even bother to even look at myself?

"Princess Ame-Emily? Can I come in?" Carly asks politely from the other side of the door. I roll my eyes at the sound of her voice, always so sweet and happy. It irratates me that I'm the soon to be queen of the enchanted forest and I'm miserable here while she is just a mere servant and is happy.

"Yes, come in," I mock her high pitched voice and laugh when I see her face, flushed red from embarrassment. I stare at her waiting for her to say something. "Well?"

"I have some bad news....." she murmurs quietly, her hideous, twisted face looking down.

"Bad news? Hitler has raised from the dead? I'm half witch? Everyone has rabies? Whatever it is, I don't care," I said waving my hand to send her away. Life simply cannot get any worse.

Of course fate likes to prove me wrong somehow.

"Your parents are on the mirror. The want to talk to you." she says each word slowly, with caution, expecting me explode any minute. Of course I never fail to disappoint.

"MY PARENTS?" I spit. My face growing red with every breath I take. "Tell them to go away! Tell them I hate them! I hate everyone! I hate you!"

"Aemelia! That's no way to treat your servants!" A stern voice says behind me. My parents. I sigh in annoyance.

Instead of my parents being normal like 99% of the human population and use a phone to call their daughter, they decided to do face time the magical way with a mirror.

Walking away, I grabbed my laptop from my nightstand, to read some gossip article. This always angers them, me ignoring them.

They're just used to everyone falling a their feet and fulfilling their every need.

"Aemelia? Come here, dear." My father commands with a soft voice, the kind he would use to soothe a wild horse. It irks me that he thinks talking calmly will make me forget the 10 years of torture without them here to help me, to love me.

I just carry on, reading some news about a jerk called Ashton? He apparently humiliated his girlfriend.

"We know you are upset with us, but this was all for your good," my Mother states, I roll my eyes. "You need to break the curse. For your kingdom, for us, for your own good."

I turn back to them sharply.

"First of all my name is Emily, E-M-I-L-Y and second, you locked me up on this wretched place for my own good? Wow! You guys definetly deserve parents of the year award " I laugh sarcastically, with an eyebrow raised.

"Of course, my daughter is cursed, what should we do? I know! Send her into another world. Maybe there she will be able to break her curse while we pretend she doesn't exist."

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