chapter 9

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Ashton's POV

I know it's a stupid idea to go knocking at some strangers door, bbut im desperate. Who knows maybe a fan lives there. Or not.

The large house looks old and abandoned. The porch's wooden planks have holes in them, there is a broken window and I think I even saw a mouse fall of the room with one the roof tiles.

The gates creak a bit as I open them, it leaves some dirt on my hand which I wipe on my jeans. I walk slowly towards the door, I feel weird, as if I'm being watched.

"Hello?" I say. I hear a bit of rustling in the bush, beside me. i take a few step back, I really hope that it wasn't a bat or something equally creepy

A snow, white rabbit appears. Okay, i guess its not a bat. The rabbit stops beside me and looks at me curiously then wanders off.

My feet creak against the floorboards of the porch. It is obviously in danger of breaking and giving me a serious injury.

Everything about this house his intimidating, especially the broken door which, guess what? Creaks like the rest of the house.

I gasp quietly. I guess they were serious when they said 'don't judge a book by its cover'. This house was nothing like the outside.

The windows from the inside were glass stained with pictures of a girl with blond hair. The floors weren't broken as they were before, instead they were an expensive, brown wood with a deep red and gold carpet that decorated it. From where I was standing the house looked like a mansion.

How is this possible? A broken house from the outside and an expensive-looking mansion from the inside?

I hear a giggle from somewhere, this interrupts my thoughts.

"you might want to close your mouth, you might catch flies." says a voice. I turn to find 2 petite brunettes, probably around 18? Or maybe 16? The similarities stopped there.

One of them was bold-looking. Her brown wide eyes sparkled with mischief; her brown hair just went past her shoulders and looked silky. Her cheeks were full of colour and life. This one looked like a trouble-maker.

The other one had longer hair that was darker. Almost black. Her eyes were small, squinty perhaps and were a soft blue. Freckles went across her nose on her pale skin. She looked like one of those kind people, those that would become a nurse to help others.

"Hi?" I ask uncertainly. These girls don't like the kind of people that live here. In fact they looked like they probably worked here in their neat brown dresses and white apron. Though im trying not to judge b appearance.

"do you live here?" I ask, the smile on their faces are gone. The nurse girl actually looked like she might cry, but was putting a brave face on.

"no" says the trouble-maker. " you must leave now. You shouldn't have been trespassing." They noth looked troubled, maybe they know where my brother is.

"oh, im sorry. I wasn't sure if anybody lived here, guess I was wrong." I smile, but they don't smile back. "I am erm looking for my brother. Have you seen him? His name is harry."

Their cold faces twitch a bit. A look of recognition passes through one of their eyes.

"you have to go." She repeats. "heres a bike for you to go on. Now leave." The nurse gives me a bike, which strangely looks exactly like my own, except it looked brand new.

"what? I asked you a question, where is my brother? "I said angrily. They looked at me with a sad smile on their fce.

"you'll only make it worse, you're not safe here." Says trouble-maker guiltily.

Harry is here, I know it. I walk past the girls and start looking for my brother.

"harry!" I whisper, though I don't know why I should whisper. The girls run up to me with grim expressions.

" fine we will take you to him, but you have to be quiet." Says trouble-maker with a scowl.

"so you do have harry! Youre the crazy-lady arent you?" I exclaimly oudly but they shush me. I have a feeling that theyre hiding something, beside my brother.

They quietly lead me through a hallway and some stairs. On almost every wall there were picture and paintings. Most of them were off a forest and a castle but there were also some of what seemed to be a royal family, one that I haven't seen before

The ones that were the most haunting were of the same girl. The girl was beautiful, with golden hair that fell effortlessly over her shoulder. Her eyes were an emerald green colour with dark eyebrows that decorated them.

She seemed as if she hadnt put any effort in her looks, but that wasn't the haunting bit. It was seeing her surrounded by so many riches but her eyes showed that it eaned nothing to her. They were empty, lifeless. That was what scared me a bit.

As we walked on, the two girls kept on whispering between themselves. Their voices started of quietly then gradually increased in volume and urgency. I could barely ccatch their words

"she..mad..i don't want..worse..again...harry...upset"

I try to ignore their private conversation but I wanted o know what they were talking about, why would they have an innocent boy locked up.

We stopped by a doo, it looked exactly like the rest except it had a small window at the botton wjicj I assumed they used to give them food.

"here he is." Says the nurse solemnly. I walked up to the door. Maybe this ws a trick, what if they wanted to kidnap me for their twisted reasons. First I should make sure that harry was there first.

"harry?2 I ask as I lightly knock on the wooden door. "are you in there?" I hear some scuffling and fidgeting. Then footsteps.

"Ashton? Is that really you?" he asks hopefully. Harry. I smile at the sound of his voice. He sounds alright, no sonds of being tortured. it was just a bit thick from crying, I think.

"yes it is." I confirm, laughing nervously. So what now? the door had a lock to keep him in. I hope the girls that bought me here have the keys. "2 girls brought me here."

"oh yes, you can trust them" harry says. "the healed my cut." I look at them and smile at them gratefuly, they smile back sheepishly.

"can you help get him out?" I ask them.

"yeah sure, but first turn around." Says the nurse. I do as they say even though I have no idea why I need to do this. I hear a swish sound and then the door opening.

"ashton!" harry exclaims as he runs up and hugs me from behind. I turn around and hug him properly. He looks around and his eyes fill with worry. "we need to go. Now!"

"what? Why?" I ask confused. Then i hear a voice that sends a chill through my spine, it's empty of emotion and cold.

"sorry to interrupt your little family reunion, but I'm afraid youre on private property."

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