Chapter 1

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Chapter One:

"Ashton, come Here! We love you Ashton! Over here!"

I quickly compose myself, giving the crowd my charming smile or as the boys call them, my puppy smile. The boys come out after me and start taking selfies with our fans, and I do the same.

Nobody would be able to guess that I'm bored, I mean, who would be bored of taking selfies with  fans?

Fans, that not only got me to where I am now, but also saved my life. Nobody could guess that I was sad with the smile on my face, the one that I have perfected, one that masks my emotions well.

Truth is, all of this is turning to a routine for me, and it's tiring.

Wake up, rehearse, meet fans, go to parties. The only thing I actually enjoy are the concerts, where I play the drums and let my emotions run freely.

"This way Ashton," says my bodyguard, guiding me into the party.

Today's my girlfriend, Gabriella's birthday party. We've  been dating for over 6 months, she's a lovely girl except...I don't know if I love her.

We only started dating because of management, but now it feels as if she has taken our relationship too seriously.

Running my calloused hand through my hair, an arm casually wraps around my waist. Speak of the devil.

"Ashton, you're here!" She exclaims, her eyes filled with joy. I feel really guilty, it's obvious that she really likes me, but I don't feel the same.

Trying to ease my guilty state of mind, I lean in to kiss, only to be stopped.

"Not yet baby, just wait until we're alone."

I only nod my head. I hate it when she calls me baby.

It doesn't sound right coming from her, it's like she's saying for the first time, and to me it sounds foreign.

"Sure whatever you want. Anyways I got you a present." I mumble awkwardly as I hand it to her.

"A present?" She asks surprised, though I know it's what she had been expecting.

"You shouldn't have, it's enough that you're here with me especially now that..." Her eyes start to water and I pull her into a hug.

"Yeah I know babe, the tour is stressful for me too, but  here's your present."

I carefully studied her reactions as she slowly unwraps the cheesy Disney Princess wrapping. A gasp leaves her soft lips as she stares at the necklace.

"Its beautiful," she breathes "Absolutely beautiful, can you put it on me?"

Taking the piece of jewelry from her small hands, I put it around her bare neck. I hear the sounds of cameras clicking around me and I know this will  be in the papers tomorrow.

"I missed you a lot you know? It's been crazy filming and my boss has been giving me a lot of trouble for being too everything for the role. One day I'm to fat, the other I'm too skinny or something like that!"

Her voice begins to waver and I pull her into a hug, it's what any boyfriend would do, right?

"It's okay now," I coo into her hair, my shirt gets damp from her tears, but I pretend to not mind.

Now how do I tell her my news?

"Me and the boys are going to stay a while,"I blurt out.

"You're staying? You guys are on vacation? Aren't you? Oh God why didn't you tell me?" She questions accusingly. Her eyes squinting.

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