chapter 7

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As soon as I get to my room, I fall on the bed, head first and groan in frustration.

How could she do this to me? How? Did Sandra plan this or Gabriella?

I need to talk to someone, now.

Michael, he will know what to do.

I feel hurt, and betrayal at what Gabriella did to me. I thought that she wouold always have my back, but the cold, hard fact was she never did. All she wanted was a wedding, she just used me. Which hurts a lot.

I admit i do feel a sense of relief that I didn't break her heard, though there is a small part of me that is a bit scared that some crazy, wedding-obssesed, revenge-thirsty maniac is walking in the same planet as me.

Only a tiny bit scared.


"I will get you back, ashton," she spits, her voice full of hatred and venom. She seemed almost inhumane "What Sandra planned was only the beginning! I will ruin you!"

I run out the room,out the hotel. my head spinning.

I don't stop running until I get a taxi back home.


Okay, I'm really scared...and freaked out. I'm pretty sure she is not mentally stable.

The phone only rings for 5 seconds before Michale picks up. Knowing him, he probably wated all day for this call. I smile at the thought of it, haha.

"What happened? Wht did you do? Wahat did she say?" He asks as soon as he picks up.

"Ermmm..Hello Michael, How are you? Me? I'm good thanks" I ask sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him, he is just as bad as y mom, but it feels good to know that at least someone has my back.

"oh sorry," He says. "Anyways, so tell me. What happened?"

So I explain to him what happened, every single thing.

"She didn't brush her teeth?" He asks shocked. Out of all the questions he could've asked, he asked that?

"Micahel..." I whine, annoyed. "and no, I am sure she didn't." Michael laughs.

"Okay, so your heart-broken girlfriend, turned out to be so phsycho?" he asks.

"Yup" I confirm " and Sandra was involved In this."

"Sandra? well the answer is simple." He says happily. "We get management to fire Sandra." He is probably smiling on the other side of the phone.

"And then what, Michael? What about Gabriella and the press?" I hear Michael curse under his breath. "and ugh Michael, I think we should just retire now. I'm done"

I hang up the phone, ignoring his excuses.


I wake up to see my mother's worried face facing me. I sit up slowly, to look at her. I rub my eyes as turn and see its already daylight, morning.

"What's up? Is it 10 already, my interview is at –" She cuts me off

"It's Harry, Ashton, he's gone" She cries, grabbing on to my shoulders. She starts to sob loudly on my shoulders, and I begin to rub her back, trying to take in what she just said.

Harry? Oh shoot, what has he done now?

"Mum, calm dwon, calm donw," I try to soothe her. "Just tell me what has happened."

Her breathing slows down to normal pace as she starts to talk.

"He went out with his friends but now they cant find him and the police, t-tt the poli- He has run away!" she starts to cry again and quickly get out of bed.

My stomach growls, and I go to the kitchen to get some food. Only instead I find there are 5 police officers there waiting for me. Eating my cereals in some '5 seocnds of summer' bowl, that Calum bought my mum as a joke one day.

"Erm. Hello?" I say, confused to why they are here eating my sugar hoops. They look up at me, grin at each other then continue eating their- I mean my sugar hoops.

"Why are you guys here? Arent you meant to be looking fro my brother?" I ask annoyed at their behaviour.

"Because we're hungry," shrugs the smallest one. "can you go and stop Lola from crying, shes giving me a killer headache." His friend sraise their heads and grunt in agreement.

I roll my eyes at them.

" her name is Laura," I say slowly getting angry at them, it's a miracle when I go to and walk away instead of beating the life out of them. I had a feeling it would also get me in jail.

I go to laura who is sitting on the floor, in her pyjaas and her head in her ahnds as she cries, loudly.

" Hey laura," I say as I remove her hand from her face. Her eyes are red from crying and her hair knotty. "Don't worry about Harry, he'll come back."

Laura shakes her head as tears roll down her sad face.

"What if he ran away on purpose? I was so mean to him and now someone has probably taken him" She cries. I smile softly at how similar she and my mum is.

"Harry wouldn't have run away, he probably got tired and- " I stop, I didn't know what to say. How can I confort her when all the same bad thoughts are running through my head.

I need to find him.

"Look Laura, I'm going to go out and find Ashton, I promise and I walk out the house before she can stop me. I then walk back and decide to take my bike. The park is quite a walk away and I need to get there soon.

The ride there is quite refreshing, reminds me of my young, innocent days when I could just ride the bike and not have to worry about things like crazy ex-girlfriends, angry management and missing brothers.

In the park (which isn't that big), I find no trace of at all. No bike, No trail, nothing. Its like he wasn't here in the first place.

Fustrated, I turn around ready to go back home, when my phone rings. I pick up, it's Harry.

"Ashton, I only have a minute to tslk to you," Hi voice is rushed and full of panic. I get on my bike imediatl and start riding with one hand.

"go on."I say

"Some kind of crazy lady live in the-"I hear someone taking the phone off him and some stuggling. Then he phone goes dead.

I keep on riding, still on my phone but now I don't even know where I'm going.

Suddenly I lose control of the bike, I fall down a hill with my bike. I grunt with pain each time I hit a rock.

Eventally, I stop rolling down a hill and just I lsy down for a minute toget some rest.

When I get up, I notice something wier immediately. A house.

I have been in this park ots of times before and I had never seen this before.

When was thisbuilt? Why does it look old? Who lives here

I ignore the questions that pop into my head, eager to forget this embarrassing incident and find Harry. I get on my bike and notice that the wheel has a hole in it?

Great, just great.

How am I supposed to get anywhere with a punctured wheel?

More Than ThisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora