Ch9-Lorenzo Harper & Sofia Volkov

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Lorenzo Harper

Trying to stay patient with Sofia's decision is making me go crazy. One week ago she came in my room and told me she isn't ready to let me in yet. She also told me that she needed time. And it's fucking hard to give her that time if all she wears are small pieces of fabric that barely cover her at a public beach. Every damn day we go to the beach, and every damn day I see My Precious get hit on, catcalled, stared at and it's making me go crazy. To top it off the one time she pulls me aside is to let me know I can't hurt any of them. What the fuck?! Why does she care?! They shouldn't even been breathing the same air as her?!

"You look grumpier than your usual grumpy self." Ethan says siting down on one of the tanning beds at the beach while giving me a bear.

He takes a sip of his own beer before following my stare to Sofia. He lets out a long sigh. "Please don't tell me what I think is happening?"

"You're the son of a lawyer, not my place to tell you you're wrong."

"Oh for fucks sakes." I hear him mumble under his breath before a small mischievous smile shows up on his face. I pay no attention to it when I see a guy around our age approach Sofia. We both sit up, ready to pounce on him if he tries anything.

We relax once Sofia gives him a ball on the ground and he goes back from where he came from.

"This must suck for you." Ethan says, taking off his sunglasses.

"You're okay with it?" I ask a little shocked. Sure every single man in this family is protective over the women, but Ethan and Nico have another level of overprotectiveness for Sofia.

"As long as you don't break her heart...again. And you don't show PDA anywhere near me. Yeah I'm fine with it. But make sure to not tell Nico until it's official, he'll beat you up atleast once a week."

A chuckle leaves my mouth. "You're too mature for your age, if you started liking Dali I think I would've murdered you."

A soft pink tint reaches his cheeks and he clears
his throat. "Totally understandable.."

Before I can question his hesitation Sofia comes over and I swear my heart does a little flip.

She sways her hips like liquid. "Hey Ethan." She says and lays down next to him. An amusing smile lights up his face while he looks between me and her.

"God this is amusing." Ethan says while putting his glasses back on and leaning back down next to Sofia.

"What are you talking about?" She asks confused.

"He's clearly obsessed with you. And you are clearly confused about your emotions while still being mad at him." Ethan answers and I'm stunned by how on point he is.

"Ethan if I wanted to go to therapy I would go to therapy." Sofia says while snatching Ethan's glasses of his head and putting them on, not even shocked he found out about whatever us is.

"Goodbye Ethan." I say. Both look at me with an appalled expression before Ethan reluctantly stands up and walks away.

Sofia gets up to follow him but like clockwork I pull her by her wrist and she lands on my lap.

She looks around a little panicked to see if anyone can see us. "We're in public and the rest of my family is just a couple few feet away."

"And we only have a few weeks left before we go back to our regular lives and I never get to make you realize that you're mine." I answer back.

She sighs, gets up, turns around and sits on my lap again but this time with her breast pressed against my chest and her wrist crossed around my neck. "I am not yours and there are a lot of things I can do to prove that. We only have a few weeks until we're separate from our family, not each other. And I'm still mad at you, so go do me a favor and take a cold shower while imagining my hands on you. Would you Baby?"

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