Chapter four: Sobs...

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*********Next morning***********

Nathan's pov.....

My vision got blurry as I stare down at my closed thigh. I sat at the edge of my bed staring at my bruises body. My body ache and sore from last night. Jackson had his way with me when I was unconscious and he's gone this morning..... He's gone and he left me after using me for his own selfish interest.

I closed my eyes as I felt more tears run down my face. The pain in my lungs felt so sharp and my heart hurts. I heave, sniff back the tears, but ended up crying till in crawl into a ball on the floor.

My screams echo in my room with every minute I spent crying. My tears intensified resulting to my face buried in a pool of tears on the floor. I remained on the floor as my thoughts travelled to the first time my stepbrother raped me.....


I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel on my waist as I dry my wet hair with a towel. I made my way to my wardrobe to pick up a suitable nightgown. I just returned from work and I felt so exhausted. I didn't even notice a figure admiring me from my bed until I heard the flipping sound of a book. I halted and turn to my bed only to see Andrea my stepbrother. He smiled at me and I did the same.

"What're you doing in my room?." I asked as I close my wardrobe and approach him on the bed. He kept his smiling face as he patted a space for me on the bed. I hooped on the bed and crawled up beside him. He embrace me to his chest and I felt his heartbeat rapidly.

"How was work? You won't take a guard with you as I instructed, neither would you stop working. I don't wanna loose you." He said as he kissed my forehead. I pouted my lips like a baby and replied.

"Work's fine. And also, can you stop treating me like a kid?. I'm 18 already.... Stop being too overprotective." I mumbled.

"I gape you with four years little pumpkin. You're still my little brother. And I care about you." He said kissing my forehead again as he gently fondled my cheeks. I shivered slightly at his touch. He smiled down at me and I saw red lust in his eyes. My heart skipped a beat.

"Andrea, I wanna go dress up so I can prepare myself for sleep. I have to be earlier to work tomorrow." I flashed a smile at him. But he held my hand before I could make a move.

"Hold on Nathan. I wanna ask you a question." Andrea smiled warmly.

"Okey, what's that?." I nod.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" He asked. I thought for a while before shaking my head in disagreement. He smirked.

"Why?." He asked.

"Because I don't like any girl in my school. Or maybe they don't attract me." I replied without hesitation. Andrea's eyes widen at my last statement.

"They don't attract you?. Do you like guys? Have you ever kissed a guy before?." He bath me with questions. I shook my head.

"No, no and no!. I don't like guys, and I have never kissed a guy. I'm not gay." I argued. He nodded with a smile.

"Well, I'm just asking because I care about you. So, have you ever kissed anyone before?." He asked. I shook my head 'no'. And to my awe, he lean forward and captured my lips in for a deep kiss. He pulled away and I was still awestruck by with just happened.

"You- kissed me?." I whispered with mouth agape.


New chapter out!!
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