|| Chapter 23: No Escape ||

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(HAPPY LATE MOTHERS DAY EVERYONE!! (Also, if Mother's Day isn't a special day to you... then I still hope you had a wonderful day regardless!! Also, there is a scene... with bold in case you'd like to skip it! Lots of Love- Smalls)

She could only stare up at Alastor. Her eyes wide and her tears falling freely down her face, mixing with Callahan's blood. She felt her lips tremble, yet no words would come out. She couldn't even understand anything Alastor was saying. The only thing she could her hear was her racing heart and thoughts. The warnings from God repeated in her mind. 

Alastor said nothing more as he helped clean up the broken vase. the distant look in (Y/N)'s eyes left him feeling unsettled. A feeling he didn't like one bit. 

(Y/N) hugged herself, finally turning her head away from the scene before her. She couldn't stand the look of blood any longer. So, another sob left her throat as she lowered her head, strong emotions. 

She reminded herself, she needed to get her emotions under control. To stop this crying, to cut off all ties and just survive until June 27th. She had to get away from Alastor and Anthony. Yet she couldn't think of how just yet. She spent a year with the two of them, so disappearing was going to be easy for her or even them. 

"It will be okay, dear. There is no need to cry." Alastor's words finally registered in her ears, and she turned, his face now inches from her own. Yet she couldn't find it in herself to smile, to enjoy his presence like she used to. It was clear to her now, deciding to stay near Alastor was choosing him over her own life. The life she was trying desperately to get back to.  She couldn't do that any longer, she could hurt anymore people. 

The souls in this world were all fictional... Hurting them would be nothing compared to having her family grieve for her life. They WERE real, Alastor and everyone else. It was all some twisted mind game; it couldn't be real. 

No, she needed it to be fake, to allow herself an easy way to let them all go. 

"No... It won't be." She whispered, forcing her head to turn away once more. She felt so sick, so weak, so angered. She was also scared, scared of what was happening to her soul. She would have never killed someone before. 

That's right... this is why she couldn't convince herself this world was all fictional. No matter what words she repeated in her head at the current moment. 

The stolen kisses. James. Mimzy. Running for her life with Mimzy's body in her arms. Alastor. Anthony.

All these moments were too real feeling for her to convince herself it was fake, which upset her even further. It wasn't fair, it truly wasn't. Why was she even here to begin with? What caused her to end up in this world. 

"Sunshine, you should smile." His voice was soft, his usual charm lacking his words as each syllable was laced with concern.  His hazel eyes were softened from their usual stern look. he reached out, turning her head back to face him. He adored the look of blood on her, it was stunning. 

He never thought he would crave this kind of look. From her doe eyes shimmering with tears to her face being stained with blood. He sparked a sick feeling of desire, desire that he couldn't understand.

"I shouldn't." She replied back, his thumb tracing her bottom lip. It wasn't fair, all the emotions she was feeling, and she knew they needed to stop. She needed to stop Alastor, she needed to get away from him. 

"Why?" He asked, it was such a simple question, but it left her breathless. 

Stop it.

She pleaded with herself, to no give into his comfort she didn't deserve. To his affections that she shouldn't be receiving. Yet words were gone once more, her heart conflicted with so many mix feelings. 

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