|| Chapter 30: No! ||

263 13 19

Date: December 31st, 1932

(Y/N) paced her room, she anxiously picked at her nails. Not caring how scarred they'd would get from such an action. She was terrified, scared even. She didn't have much time anymore, for once she wasn't excited about the new year.

Usually, a new year means a new you. But that wasn't her case, no a new year meant she'd lose everything. Mimzy's death, while it was difficult, she was able to move on with Alastor's and Anthony's help.

Now she was going to lose Alastor.

Her heart tightened at the thought, she stopped her anxious pacing and grabbed her face. She hadn't slept well at all this past week. Alastor and Cosmo were at each other's throat, almost the same way Lucifer and Alastor were in the show.

She rubbed the corners of her eyes. This overwhelming fear caused nightmares and because of this she slept very little. Her dreams were the same, she watched Alastor die.

Over and over again.

The first nightmare was consistent to his canon death, yet it still was chilling to experience. She entered the woods, he died. Even if she attempted to take control of the dreams it never worked, it only caused them to get worse. 

She was sure it was Cosmo's doing, he seemed to enjoy toying with her.

She turned her head and looked at the door. If she left this room, she had no choice but to accept what fate had in store for Alastor. No choice but accept it and spend the next year stuck here without him.

Him, Alastor.

She loved him to death, even forgiving him for so easily discarding her. Maybe she was blind, maybe she was only hanging on because he was the only person to love her the way she needed to be loved.

She sighed, as she slapped her cheeks to stop her racing thoughts. She needed to pretend, for just a bit longer. To just her enjoy the moments while she still can.

She turned her body, her legs feeling like lead as she walked toward her door. Her hand reached out to open it, then she hesitated.

Only for the door to swing open anyways and smacking her dead in the face.

"(Y/N)!" Cosmo said happily, as he bent down. Scooping her up off the floor like she weighed nothing. She was too busy holding her nose to even protest properly. "Just the woman I was looking for!"

Alastor appeared beside him, the murderous intent clear as day. He moved swiftly taking (Y/N) from Cosmo's arm, huffing as he held her to his chest. "You dare handle as such!" He grumbled, his hazel glancing down at her to ensure she was safe before glaring back up at Cosmo.

"Alright... enough!" She mumbled rubbing her nose once more, Alastor slowly put her down but kept his arm around her shoulder. Her pulse quickened.

She wishes she didn't forgive Alastor so quickly, because it was clear that Alastor would leave her again then return only when he felt like he was being replaced.

Was it healthy at all? No.

But she needed his love more than anything, she couldn't waste another second without it.

So, she took his side, reaching up to lock her fingers together with his own. Cosmo's smile into a thin line so quickly, anyone else would've assumed it was his natural look. Yet she knew better, she knew better than anyone that Cosmo never liked Alastor.

She couldn't blame him; he created humans, and they can turn out to be the worst living thing he has ever made... she looked away. Trying to spare herself from his disapproving eyes. He hated the bad that came from his creations and also, he disapproved of her. Always reminding her about how short her time was here. Urging her to lock away her emotions.

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