Chapter Seventeen: Autumn's Days

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The warm summer days has passed into cold autumn days. Everyone on Jorvik was getting ready to start Halloween. Many of the villagers had started decorating their homes with Halloween decorations. The children were getting ready for their trick-or-treating and the Halloween parties that's going to be celebrated all over Jorvik. There's also going to be Halloween parades that involves people and horses getting dressed up in their costumes. Some of the people were already wearing their costumes during the month of Halloween to celebrate.
And one of those people was Erika. She decided to wear something that doesn't involve a dress that could get caught on Nemain's saddle. So, she decided to wear something she has managed put together by her own creativity. There's going to be a Halloween party at Goldenhills Valley, within the village. She wanted to wear something that looks like it had came from the Middle Ages of Jorvik.
The sun shone down on Cape West Fishing Village. The sun was low, and the sky was on fire with a blazing sunset and into a calming twilight.
Goldenleaf Stables was more energetic than one would have expected. The party started off no different than the years prior. The squire would announce the arrival of the Halloween party would greet each and every one of the guests. There were people coming to and from various shops and stands to sell a variety of items like handcrafted jewelry, plates, and pottery, some being made right there next to the stands as a crowd of people watched the artists at work. Jugglers entertained the locals and visitors, minstrels playing on their lutes, accordions, and pipes. The music was infectious, pulling Erika to join in the group of people who got up to dance in the town square. The horses were near their riders and seemed equally dressed up as their riders. Though, the unadopted horses were watching everything from their stables and paddocks.
People were selling cooked meat and deep-fried kabobs on sticks, cooked fish sliced up and served with lemon at an outdoor restaurant, fresh berries being squeezed into wine for the grownups and juice for the children, and of course sugary treats like caramel apples, pies, ice cream, and bars of chocolate, some molded into the form of animals like dogs, horses, and bears. A few were shaped like dragons or griffins, and even bunny rabbits.
The music came to an abrupt halt and the room was flooded with a sea of gasps and whispers. At the top of the island's entrance hill stood a woman, strikingly beautiful and riding on a stunning black Shire mare. She quickly became the envy of almost every eligible young lady in the room. She may not be wearing a dress, but she was wearing a simple and yet beautiful in a purple shirt with a turtleneck that tops a dark purple centerpiece decorated with white lines. Her lower arms are covered with tight, blue bracers, while her brown belts wrap around her waist, chest, and right leg. Her dark blue pants ends at her black boots and a flowing midnight blue cloak flowing behind her. Though, her only accessory is her gleaming silver amulet around her neck.
Without a word, Erika dismounted Nemain and gently patted the black mare's neck. The mare snorted as a handsome boy around Erika's age had approached her and told her that his name was Callum Walker.
Callum's hair was brushed to the left side of his head in a messier fashion and his green eyes shone like a pair of stars. His costume was a tightly-fit, turtlenecked chest piece that separates into two sections at the front around the level of his hips, and is colored in a mix of blue, red, brown, and golden seams. The blue part of this chest piece sports a pattern in a slightly lighter hue. A brown belt with a golden buckle holds a sachet on its right side. His black sleeves fully cover his arms and equipped with shoulder pads. He also wears a pair of high brown boots over black pants. His fingerless gloves and red scarf are part of his attire of choice.

When a group of minstrels pulled out their instruments and started playing some songs in the marketplace. As the afternoon went by, the duo was having the time of their lives. Dancing, trying delicious treats, drawing pictures with chalk on the ground, buying some souvenirs.
From the light rhythmic pounding of the drums, the sensuous sound of the violin, the whistling of the pan-pipe, the merry strumming of the lute, it spun around her body, pulling her feet forward. Whether it was her own doing or the music taking its hold on her, Erika didn't care. The group of people faded from her mind's eye, becoming colorful blurs as she spun, her arms moving with the grace and smoothness of a swan's wings and she glided across the floor like a spirit.
The audience was enthralled by the girl's graceful movements. It didn't look like a traditional dance of any sort. It didn't look like any form of dancing known to anyone. It was new and fresh and beautiful. The best part was, the girl was beaming from ear to ear, laughing and giggling, her melodic voice reaching the ears of everyone present, infecting everyone. The children giggled and tried to mimic her movements. Erika saw this and encouraged the children to join her.
Erika harmonized to the music.
"Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings.
The world, for once, in perfect harmony.
With all its living things."
The minstrels almost stopped their playing and the villagers were frozen in place. The girl's voice was fairer than any angel in the heavens. A number of possible theories bloomed amongst the villagers, wondering if she was either a professional singer or a lady of wealthy upbringing for how could anyone possess a voice as professional as hers and not have had years upon years of practice? Yet, she didn't carry herself as a creature of wealth. She dressed no differently than anyone there. She danced with younglings, young men, young ladies, and the elders. Anyone she saw was dying to join the dance, but was too self cautious to do so. But Callum watched her nervously and sadness.
"So many things to tell her.
But how to make her see,
The truth about my past? Impossible!
She'd turn away from me."
She noticed Callum standing near the snack table, clapping his hands and taping his toes, but not joining in the dance. Erika invited the handsome boy to partake, but he awkwardly declined.
"He's holding back, he's hiding.
But what, I can't decide.
Why won't he be the king I know he is.
The king I see inside?"
With one push, Callum tumbled onto the center of the dance by an unknown villager by accident. Callum shot the villager a death glare as he was dragged away by some random village girl. He couldn't keep up with the fast paste movements. He managed to politely escape the village girl who went on to dance with another villager.
"Can you feel the love tonight?
The peace the evening brings.
The world, for once, in perfect harmony."
But, before he could say another word, Erika showed up, her eyes sparkling when she saw him. Callum gulped when Erika stood before him. She gave the dark brown-haired boy a small curtesy and Callum, by sheer instinct, gave an elegant bow. In a flash, Erika took Callum by the hand and pulled him into the dance. "Um... Are you sure you want to dance with me?"
"Come on, it's easy," replied Erika with a bright smile. "Don't fight the rhythm, just go with it."
Callum still wasn't so sure. He couldn't dance with so many villagers watching. Erika took his left arm and Callum was half-sure she was about to pull him into a waltz.
"With all its living things.
Can you feel the love tonight?"
This was the usual formation for the dance, one hand in hers and the other around her waist, but Erika instead folded his right arm to his stomach. The two froze for a moment, their faces mere inches apart. Erika gently pulled back, shyly biting her lower lip while Callum bashfully looked away, his cheeks tainted red.
"You needn't look too far.
Stealing through the night's uncertainties."
Erika danced in a circle around Callum at an even paste to allow him to follow. Callum attempted to mirror her movements, but nearly tripped a couple of times and his foot almost caught in his ankle. Erika didn't seem bothered by it and she admired Callum's determination to try and decipher the secret to her dance. Callum nearly fell again, but found his balance when his hand landed on Erika's. With their intertwined fingers held high they moved in a circle as the music played.
"Love is where they are."
Her smile was so sweet it made Callum's earlier hesitations melt away. He chose to focus on the girl in front of him, the multitude of faces blurred behind her as the music played out. His confidence grew with every breath and he pulled Erika towards him. She let out a surprised yelp, but quickly relaxed in his arms. He spun her a couple of times and Erika was rendered speechless.
The audience watched in silent awe as the handsome boy danced with the beautiful girl, already commenting on what a handsome couple they made. Callum was confident enough to place his hands around Erika's waist to spin her, more than once their hands found each other and with every touch Erika felt what could only be described as an electric pulse prickling her fingers. Yet, she never pulled away.
When the duo stopped dancing together, they both received a surprising applause and great praises from the villagers and the minstrels while Callum gave a red rose to Erika, in which she graciously accepted.
Erika didn't feel nervous anymore. She was happy, she was dancing, she was free. The young couple laughed together as they danced, their energy accelerated along with the music. Rayla's dress spun around her, the material of her gown creating shimmering ripples of dark blue and purple making her look like all the more enchanting. The transparent lace around her arms moved like elegant fairy wings.
The audience gasped and clapped with merriment whenever the young couple did a new trick, never once losing their footing. Callum never danced so much in his life, and he had no plans on stopping. The rest of the visiting royals joined in, dancing with their respected spouses, friends, and children.
When the music ended everyone was clapping and cheering, some were sweating and panting from so much movement, but their bright red faces said that despite their exhaustion they had the time of their lives.
From the audience's perspective, it seemed as though the fireflies had disappeared, puffing away in a burst of color, and the trails of dust began taking on the shape of various items like mountains and flowers, rivers and streams, horses, wolves, cats, foxes and butterflies, even aquatic creatures like dolphins and tropical fish. They went ordinary animals to magical ones. Beings like mermaids, pixies, griffins, rock giants, and tiny fire lizards that jumped around Callum before diving into the floor with a splash, transforming into a beautiful unicorn which then spiraled into the air to change into a Pegasus. Glowing flowers danced above the audience's heads, bursting into tiny stars that spun around them.
For the final trick, the symbols of the first four sources of magic; Sky, Sun, Moon, Star, and Lightning. Sun was symbolized by a yellow ball of light for the Sun, a gently glowing white ball of light for the Moon, three diamonds for the Stars, a light that zigzags like a lightning bolt, and a gust of wind for the Sky. The five Soul Riders' symbols appeared in the night sky, glowing brightly.
Everyone erupted into thunderous applause and cheering when they saw the gorgeously beautiful light show. The ones who were responsible for the great light show received great praises from the villagers.
When it was close to midnight, many people stepped out into the docks. In their hands, they held a paper lantern, each with a drawing of their respected families. Some looked like works of art while others were stick figures clearly drawn by children or people who didn't have a talent in art. These people weren't embarrassed, because it didn't matter how good the image was, it just needed to portray their respected families, big, or small.
In the center of the island was a small pedestal with something currently covered by a red blanket. Baroness Annabelle Silverglade spread open her arms to address her subjects. "Citizens of Jorvik! Honored and esteemed guests. Tonight we celebrate a turning point in a young man's life. My nephew, Sir Callum came to us nine years ago today with his family. Words cannot express how much they have both changed my life." Baroness Annabelle extended her hand and had Callum stand right next to her, with one arm over her nephew's shoulder. "As is tradition, one invented by Inga Thrymson herself, we hold on our hands a lantern, each with the image of our respected families. As we light them into the night sky to remind us that no matter how dark things may seem we can always count on our loved ones to light the way, so long as we keep looking up." Baroness Annabelle Silverglade turned to her nephew. "Sir Callum, would you do the honors?"
Callum nodded and gently removed the red blanket to reveal their lantern. He extended his hand to Erika. She blinked, a little confused, but took his hand nonetheless. Callum turned the side of the lantern to reveal a beautifully detailed portrait of his family that he drew himself.
Callum smiled and lit the lantern, lifting it into the air until it floated away. One by one the other lanterns lit up and floated into the night sky. All of the streetlights in Goldenhills Valley had been blown out, leaving only the lanterns as the land's only source of light.
As Erika watched the lanterns float away she saw the constellation of the Sisters glistening high above. She reached for her pendant, rubbing it against her fingers, her thumb brushing against the engraving on the back.
"To the stars," Erika whispered. She was sure nobody else heard her, but it didn't matter. She may not remember who gave her the pendant or where it was from, but now she understood what the words meant.
It wasn't the lanterns themselves that shined brightly, it was the love that surrounded her. Callum was right before, she had been trying so hard to find who her family was that there were times in which she didn't realize that her family... could have been right in front of her.

The trees gently swayed in the wind, scattering the silvery moonbeams on the forest where a hidden lone rider was riding his dark mare through the autumn forest. The dark mare looked up at the night sky to her rider's daughter's tradition have started to unfold yet again before the Halloween season begins throughout the month.
But this month will be different.
The two beings can both feel it. Soon, it will be time for them to meet one of the remaining descendants of the horseman.

The Dark Legend (Star Stable) (Under Editing/Re-Write)Where stories live. Discover now