This could be the start of something good...

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Gavis heart was heavy.It hurt.It hurt so bad he couldnt even control his tears.He couldn't stop crying.

He was so lost in his own head when he felt a touch on his shoulder and a british accent was heard in the depth of his brain "Hey,are you Okay??"

He turned his head around and there stood Jude.The guy who literally just ruined his life.He hated him.He hated that beautiful face,those plump lips,how he pronounced his words and most importantly his big Beautiful eyes.Those eyes that were now looking at him with a sense of sympathy to it.

"dejame solo por favor"Gavi says softly turning his heard around.

This is the weakest he has felt in a long long time and he let the boy that have caused all this see him.What will he tell his friends??what will he tell the media??Panic started engulfing him ,and the boy seemed to noticed.

"its Okay,iam not going to tell anyone you were here crying.I just came to look for my phone.."Jude says sitting on the bed next to the other bed were the boy was now sitting upright,still with his face looking down,and he could see the tears just streaming down.

He gets no response this time.A few seconds go by and jude gets up from the bed and locks the door.He hesitates at the door,then comes and sits next to Gavi on his bed.

"I know this may sound Stupid,but Really,are you okay??"

**No Response**

"I know you can speak English you know..."

"Why did you just lock the door??what are you trying to do to me??haven't i suffered enough??" gavi asks,wiping the tears from his chicks

Judes rolls his eyes.What the hell is he on about🙄

"Huh!!So you can speak english..."He responds sarcastically.
"Anyways,i don't want anybody to come in and see you like this.They may not be as kind as iam you know..."

Now it was Gavis turn to roll his eyes.But deep down,he was thankful,he dont want anybody else to see him like this,hell not even Pedri,and thats his bestfriend.

"Thank You"He answers with a faint smile.

"Its not your fault you know,the goal.You are not the defender.."

Gavi smiles again.He can tell the boy knew it was his fault but was trying to make him feel better.And it was kinda working.

"Can i give you a hug??"Gavi thinks.

"Uhmm,sure.."Jude responds.

Shit!Did he just say that out loud??Once again,in a space of like 4 hours,Gavi let his intrusive thoughts win.

The Hug was awkward.Very Awkward.They both didn't know what to do with their hands.As if they were identical twins,they both just patted each other on the back like 3 times and let go.Jude Doesn't know why,but his heart want more.He wants to protect him.Tell him over and over that everything is going to be okay.

Gavi on the other hand was just shocked.Did he willingly ask Jude to hug and did he almost melt in his arms??Is he going insane or is he just horny??a thousand thoughts were running like Usain Bolt in his head and he could feel his heart beat.The silence between them after the hug was a bit too loud.Jude's Phone ringing on the table at the end of the room brought both of them out of their thoughts.

Jude then suddenly remembered why he was in the Nap room in the first place.It felt like he had been in there for days but also for a second.He couldn't tell.Its like once he saw Gavi in there,crying,he lost his sense of time.

He got up,went to his phone and it was Jobe calling

"Judith,Are you insane??where the hell are you??mum has been calling you,your teammates...."

Jude just let his brother vent.He knew he was ranting as a sign of relief,he must have been worried sick himself.

After like 2mins of being shouted at by his little brother,he responds.

"Iam okay you stupid ass.Vini knew i was coing to get my phone in the Nap room just pissing me off tryna act like i just went missing..."

"Whatever and mum are waiting for you at the entrance....Bye"

Then Jude remembered what Jobe was wearing.

"Waaait"Jude says
"What??"jobe screams

"Are you still wearing your Tinted sunglasses??"

"Yap,why"his brother responds.

"Can you come by the Nap room with them right now??will send you the location"

"Why"??Jude can hear the sigh in his brother's voice

"Just come watcha??"

"Jeeez,Okay.iam coming.."

"And Jobe..."


"Never Call me Judith Again" Jude says

His brother just laughs and hungs up the phone.

Gavis POV.

He see's jude get up and go answer his phone.He feels at peace.He is locked in a room with a madridista he didn't care about and he felt safe??like they could be here for a thousand years and he would live.There was something about that boys touch that makes him want to kneel down and worship the very ground he walks on.There is something comforting about his presence.Considering how reserved he is and how he can only count on one hand the people he trusts in his life,he trusted Jude.This is the first time in his life he has been alone with him but he trusted him.He felt safe.

"My brother is coming.He is cool people,he will give you his sunglasses so you can get out of here without people seeing your swollen eyes..."

"Why are you being nice to me??" Gavi asks

"uhmm,i could take a thank you at this moment in time" Jude responds.Deep down,he also wanted to know why he was being nice to his enemy.When he woke up with morning,he hated Gavi,when he walked down that Tunnel,he hated him more.Right now thou,he Cared.He didn't want to see him Sad,He didnt want to see him cry,he genuinely cared.

A loud knock on the door startled them both.

"That must be Jobe...Stay here...will be back"

Jude opens the door and a minute later,comes back and hands Gavi the sunglasses.

He wispered a "thank you" to jude and they both smiled at each other.

"Who are you in here with??" Jobe burst through the door and he cant believe it.


"Hie,thank you for the sunglasses"Gavi says giving Jobe his hand to shake.

He smiles and walks away into the corridors.

Jude looked at the utter smirk on his brothers face and he just knew this was going to be a long night.

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