Tonight could be the night

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"He is Gay.."Pedri burst into the door,out of breath

"Whaat??Who??" Fermin looks up at him from his phone

"Jude..Jude bellingham,he is bi-sexual or something.."

"WHAT????" Asks Gavi who seconds ago didnt even care about what Pedri was saying
"Yap,he told me" Pedri grins "He wants you.."


"I mean he wants to talk to you,says he wants his brothers glasses back or something.."

"So what does wanting his brothers glasses have to do with him being bi??.."
Pedri proceeds to tell them the conversation that he just hard with Jude.
Gavis mind is slowly exploding.The thoughts that run in his head about Jude was a safe space for him because he thought he was straight but now that there is a possibility,he felt panicked.


The Party was heating up.The club was filled to the brim with beautiful men and women and it somehow annoyed Gavi who when coming thought it was going to be just them not random outsiders.He saw at the corner of his eye Pedri letting a girl grind on his Lap and Fermin just looking into space probably still in his feelings about the fight he had just had with his girlfriend.

"Your Friend is having fun.." He recognised the voice instantly

"Well,it is a party..." Gavi responds with a dry tone without even looking at Jude

"I was only trying to start a conversation,dont be rude about it.."

Gavi doesnt respond.He just got up,went to the bar,took a shot and proceeds to go outside for some air.He really could not breath with all the bodies,sweat and horniness that was in the air in this club.To his surprise,he sensed a body next to him.

"Are you following me??" he turns to look the boy in in the face.He wasnt going to allow his eyes to be his weakness again.

" I just want to talk to you.."Jude whispers

"I don't have your brothers glasses if thats what you want..Will send them over when iam back in barcelona" he says while sitting down on a secluded bench away from the club.

"uhmmm,thats not what i wanted to talk to you about"Jude says while sitting next to Gavi on the bench
"Have you been ignoring me??"

"What??"Gavi is genuinely surprised.Yes he was ignoring him but he didn't know he would notice.It's not like they were friends or anything.He doesn't even know what this dudes favourite color is.He is nobody as far as he knows

"Well,i've seen you bonding with everybody here but not me.You seem to not want to be around me.Did i do something to You??.."

"Jude or bellingham or whatever they call you,Why do you Hate me??"

It was Judes turn now to be shocked "Whaaaat??"

"You hate me dont you??why?? gavi repeats

"I don't hate you"Jude lies "Did you just do reverse psychology on me??did you just respond to my question with a question??

"Whatever,i dont care.We are not friends or anything.I don't care if you hate me,just leave me alone..." He proceeds to open his phone and tap on his instagram completely ignoring the boy sitting next to him.

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