Iam so Into You

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Its been one week since new york and Gavi honestly didnt know how to feel.He was not one to sleep with anybody let alone his rival.He fucked up and he hated it.Mostly he hated the fact that he liked it.He liked it so much its all he thought about.Those thick lips,huge hands,huge dick,everything was just perfect.He has never felt like it in his whole life.Just thinking about him made his dick hard.It wasnt normal.it was like he had been bewitched.

After that night,Jude had texted him on Instagram to ask if he was okay and assure him that camavinga wasnt going to tell anybody about anything.That calmed him down a bit.He said "thank you" and never responded to him again.

He was scared.Scared of what they had done and what was to come after.What he felt for Jude wasnt just lust,it was more than that.He remembers the conversation they had had before everything,how much he had laughed,how cute Jude looked when he was trying to make a point,how his eyes automatically made him nervous.And how even though he was the one ignoring Judes DMs he missed him as hell.it was just strange how much he was so into him after one encounter.


Jude was frustrated.He did not get it.When he woke up thay day,after the best sex of his life,he was suprised to see Camavinga hovering over him.He was so confused.Gavi was nowhere to be found.He explained to Camavinga what happened and his friend swore to secrecy.He then went on Instagram,found Gavis page and DMd him.The boy responded 5hrs later(worst 5 hours of his life) to say he was okay and had arrived in barcelona safely.He was happy when he saw the text and tried to continue the conversation but Gavi never responded again.It made him anxious.Did Gavi just pull a "Hit and Run" on him??Had he done something wrong??He couldnt quite tell.

"So Yeah,that is what has been bothering me.."Jude says looking at his family at the dinner table.He has been depressed for 2 whole months and his family was over it.After dinner,his father insisted that he talks to them about whatever was bothering him or he will sign him up for therapy.He remembered how some weeks back he had tried to tell Erling and Gio what was going on with him but couldnt.He didnt know if he can be so open to a stranger.His family was the best option for him at this point.They have a strong bond and they can tell each other anything.

Jobe burst out laughing. "bro,you have been depressed all along because of a boy??i thought being knocked out of Copa was the reason,OMG.."

His mother looks at Jobe sharply to shut him up then looks at Judd with a smile and says"I think you are falling in Love"

He denies.Ofcouse he is not falling in Love with him,he is just freaking out because the guy he had bonded with,had sex with just started ignoring him and acting as if nothing happened.Its kinda funny considering he has had one or two one night stands and it never bothered him that he never talked to those guys again until now.

"Have you tried going to Barcelona to ask him face to face?? Maybe he is just freaking out,you are his rival after all" His dad says .Damn,Jude thinks to himself,what a good idea.He never thought of that.

"Elclassico is in 3 days time,go for it champ" his mum says while going around the table to give him a hug.He felt lighter.Like a big weight had been lifted out of his shoulder and he couldnt help but shed a single tear. He loved his family so much.

He was going to see him again.In the 2 months that had passed, he had managed to dodge him in his DMs,on other socials even when his name would come up in the locker room.He had tried to move on to some other guys that had an interest in him to no avail.He only wanted Jude.He doesnt even believe in God but still curses him for giving him this "impossible Love".He curses dortmund for selling him to madrid,he curses the Nap room and most importantly New york.

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