if only you could see my heart

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Jude felt the weight of the world on his shoulders.He could not believe that a 5 second greeting with Sarah would turn his love life upside down like this.Gavi wasnt responding.He talked to his mum who was going to handle the headlines with his publicist.He talked to Erling who advises that he talk to one of Gavis friends since Gavi wasnt responding and thats how he got himself in Pedris DMs.


Good Morning




Can i call you please??give me your number

Pedri was in Gavis room with Fermin when the message from Jude came on his IG.He didnt know what to do.Gavi was very upset.Rightfully so considering the circumstances.

"My sister and Mom insist i talk to him,like talk to him about what??his girlfriend??would rather die.."Gavi says while fighting tears

"Well,they are right man,the picture wasnt clear.You need to know his side of the story,communication is a huge part of a relationship,learned that the hard way.." Fermin responds while holding Gavis hand

"I need to go outside,Fer is calling" Pedri lies when he sees a new number calling him.He knew it was wrong giving Jude the platform to address what just happened but Pedri never doubted Judes love for Gavi.He has heard enough from Gavi to know what he shared with Jude was real.And it didnt make sense to him to see how much of an effort Jude was making to get in contact with Gavi.If he had a girlfriend and he didnt care about Gavi he wouldnt be reaching out would he.

"Hello" Jude breaths a sign of relief when pedri answers his call.It had taken so long that he was prepared to be disappoint.

"Is Gavi with you??"

"Yes"Pedri responds "But he doesnt want to talk to you"He adds

Jude breaths again,this time his voice just sounds sad "That picture was taken out of context you know,i would never hurt Gavi.Iam truely in Love with him"

Pedri heart softens "Tell me about it".Jude proceeds to recounter what happened.He was honest about having sex with Sarah way before he even met Gavi and how that kiss was on the cheek not Lips as the daily mail had made it seem.

"I believe you" Pedri had no idea what these words meant to Jude."Work on clearing things up with the media,i will handle Gavi..Okay??"

"Okay,thank you for listening to me and trusting me.I wont hurt Gavi,i promise"

'You better not" Pedri hangs up.

Gavi was being immature,he knew it.He wasnt giving Jude the platform to talk to him.He had blocked him on near much everything.He was embarrased.How dare this whole thing happen to him when he literally just told his family and friends??He just hated the situation but he missed Jude.He missed him so much.He missed his calls,his texts,them arguing about whatever football match they were watching together on facetime,he missed his touch when they would cuddle,his beautiful eyes,his lips,his dick,he missed the feeling of Jude missing him when their schedules would be tight.He missed his boyfriend.

If only you could see my heart  https://archiveofourown.org/works/55134793/chaptWhere stories live. Discover now