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With Namjin.......

"Leave my hands alpha Namjoon" Jin said.
Namjoon felt a little sad cause Jin had never called him with his full name.

But Namjoon grabbed his hand more firmly and took him to the scheduled place to avoid any other people.

"Why did you bring me here?" Jin asked angrily.
"I want to talk to you." Namjoon said.
"There is nothing left to talk" Jin said.

"Just give me a chance to explain myself." Namjoon said.

"What if i don't want to give you a chance?" Jin asked.

"I know i don't deserve any chance but just let me explain myself after that i won't show you my face."


"I know the things i have done to you are horrible but i was blinded by my ego and always wanted to be a pack alpha."

"Father always told us that alphas are superior and omega are below them."

Jin scoffed.

"I want to say sorry to you and only want your forgiveness."

"I know my deeds are not forgivable but if you can then please forgive me."

"Even if i try to forgive you the way you have treated me will always stop me from forgiving you."

Namjoon looked down in guilt.

"You egoistic alphas think that omegas are only made to bear pup.
You always blamed me for not giving you a pup but never looked upon yourself that problem can be inside you as well i never complained anything to you and tolrated everything you did to me thinking maybe i deserve this."

"You always said i don't deserve to be your mate."

Namjoon's eyes got teary hearing Jin's words he was regretting his life decisions the alpha who never cried was crying for his mate.

"I know i have done so much wrong to you and i don't deserve to be your mate."

"You are queen and i don't even deserve to be your slave."

Namjoon fell onto his knees and bow toward Jin who got shocked seeing Namjoon kneeling infront of him.

Kneeling infront of someone means showing ultimate submission and an alpha never kneel infront of anyone except moon goddess.

It shows that Jin is like goddess in his life.

"Never kneel infront of anyone Jin said."

He understood Namjoon was sincere with his words.

"I understood your importance after you left me i understood how much i love you and how much you mean to me."

"I am sorry.
I won't show you my face ever.
Be happy may you find someone much better than me." Namjoon said.

Namjoon got up and was about to go when Jin held his hands from behind.

"I forgive you please don't leave me i can't live without you" Jin said while crying.

Namjoon immediately hugged him and pat his back to calm him down.

"I am not leaving you ever you are my everything i can't live without you."

"Thank you for forgiving me."

They part away and Jin asked "what about your mating?"

"Father announced this without telling us i am totally against it as i said i won't leave you even if i have to fight against world or my father i will do it for you."

"So that's mean you are ready to accept me even if cant give you pup?" Namjoon asked.

"don't worry your problem is not permanent it can cured" Jin said



"I love you "
"I love you too. "

Thank you.....

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