9: Gentleman

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"A gentleman, indeed."

Namjoon's point of view,

After dropping off Sky, we drove to our house. Jungkook and Taehyung lived beside us and Jin Hyung merely a few houses away. Practically all seven of us lived in the same neighborhood.

That's Practically a reason why our families and ourselves are so close.

The other three won't be here for another hour, as they said. They're most probably shopping or something.

"So, That's her, right?" As we parked into our driveway, Jin Hyung asked me, the kids jumping off right after.

"Who— oh She?" He was referring to Sky, I assume.

"Uh-huh," He agreed. "She's the one you bonded with, right? I saw how tensed you were throughout the whole ride." He laughed.

Damn it,

He's one good observer, isn't he?

"Hyung," I unknowingly whined causing him to burst out laughing.

"Aw, Lovestruck Namjoon is so cute~" I punched his shoulder. "OUCH! What was that for?!"

"You brought this upon yourself," I shrugged.

We walked in the front door and were greeted by the 3 kids and my parents.

Jin Hyung and I greeted them and sat down at the table with them.

" I think you should tell them, they'll help set you up with her,"
Jin Hyung whispered to me.

I hate to admit it, but He has a point.

"I should?" He nodded at my words. "Right now?" He again nodded and mouthed a 'go on', giving a smile and thumbs-up.

I'd hook him up if Soulmates weren't a thing :)

"Mom, Dad," I called out. Suddenly the table went silent and everyone looked at me curiously.

Jin gave me an encouraging nod, telling me to continue.

"Remember I told you about my soulmate?" I continued.

"Yeah, What about it?- OMG DID YOU FIND HER?!" My mother practically yelled in surprise, a wide smile across her lips.

"Kind of?" I hesitantly said tilting my head to the side.

"Wait, oh my god! I'll have a sister-in-law! A nice new addition to the fam," Kyung-min said excitedly.

"She's not exactly a new addition," I rubbed my neck at the sudden awkwardness.

"We know her?" My father asked.



"Kyumi! Ari is NOT my soulmate!" I sighed. "That's a quite close guess though."

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