27.Sweet Surrender

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So tell me will you stay now?
'Cause I feel like I'm saved now
(Against The Current-Sweet Surrender)

Keira was on the floor, looking at some of Carina's CDs and Vinyls. Andrea had a huge collection and when he had passed away, the woman had decided to keep it. She was aware of how much her brother cared about it and she hadn't been able to get rid of it, even if she couldn't listen to any of those records without thinking about him and crying.

"Woah, Joni Mitchell. You have great taste." the girl commented.

"Thanks, but that whole collection is Andrea's, not mine." Carina responded.

"Andrea is your brother, isn't him?" Keira asked. "The guitarist?". The Italian smiled bitterly and nodded, fighting her own tears.

"Yeah, he is." she answered.

"Why do you have his stuff? I mean, he clearly loves music and some of these vinyls are incredibly rare, so why are they here?". Carina didn't know what to do. Maya and her had talked to Wyatt and they had decided to wait a bit more before telling Keira about their past, not wanting her to think they were projecting their own experience on her.

"He... He isn't in Seattle anymore and couldn't bring his collection with him." she said. It wasn't utterly a lie, at least.

"Oh, it sucks. Problems of space?". Carina was about to respond, when the doorbell rang, causing Keira to stiffen. Maya emerged from the bedroom and went went to the door, politely welcoming Doctor Wyatt.

"Maya, Carina, is nice to see you. And hello Keira." the psychiatrist greeted everyone.

"Hi." the girl mumbled, bowing her gaze. She hated therapy. Wyatt seemed a good person, but she couldn't trust her. She didn't see the point of opening up in general, let alone with someone paid for listening to her and that, consequently, didn't really care about her.

"Is it necessary?" Maya asked the psychiatrist, anxiety in her voice.

"I know it's a huge step, but yes, it is. I need you two out of this house for the whole session.". The firefighter nodded and turned to Keira. The girl looked extremely tense and it was easy to understand why. Since she had been discharged she had never been alone with someone who wasn't Maya or Carina.

"Bambina, we'll be just a phone call away, okay? We aren't going anywhere, just on the other side of the road." the Italian tried to reassure her. Keira shrugged and sat on the couch, defeated. It was undeniable that lately she had felt safer and safer around Maya and Carina and she found that scary as hell. Besides her brother she had never trusted anyone before. And yet, the mere thought of them leaving her alone with Wyatt was terrifying.

"If it's just because this way I can talk about them, well, they're okay. I don't want them forced out of their house because of me." she said. The three women glanced at each other and the psychiatrist shook her head, smiling.

"No one is forcing us out, Keira. We are just giving you some needed space." Maya told her. "And as Carina said, we are just a phone call away.". Keira nodded, her stomach tied in knots. Maybe she didn't want space. Maybe she didn't need it. What the hell is wrong with me?, she thought, barely recognizing herself.

"See you in one hour, okay?" Carina waved her goodbye. She took Maya by her hand and rushed to the door. The blonde smiled at Keira, trying to be as much reassuring as possible. Truth was that both her and Carina were scared too. And that was why Wyatt had asked them to leave the apartment. Sooner or later the two women would go back to work and they needed to prevent the develop of any form of separation anxiety.

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