Prologue: A Forgotten Life

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"Unlogged contingencies.. unknown strategies.. desperate motives... testing.. testing.." Seyat muttered to himself as data was torn straight out of the vast amount of computer consoles before him in the Rath corporation's lab.

Blue flames blew out of the gaps in Seyat's mask, and from under his cloak, as he considered the scenarios of the data he was absorbing.

"Soul Translating.." Seyat muttered. "Are humans even ready for such a leap? It is almost unfathomable that their technology with Data Worlds would progress so quickly."

Seyat shook his head. "And to think.. that Misaka and Kirigaya actually knew each other before.. this could be perhaps a very audacious undertaking for Japan.. no.. it's an audacious undertaking for earth itself.. and a new experiment is scheduled to take place...oh no.. today.."

"HEY! Who are you!!?"

Seyat stopped absorbing energy for a moment, and looked at the security standing there, pointing guns at him..

Among them was a man in a suit, with glasses.. a familiar looking man, named Seijirou Kikuoka. Also known on the game ALfheim Online as Chrysheight.

"So this was your doing.. the Death Gun incident.. the so called organization Laughing Coffin being revived in the Nondata world." said Seyat. "All for a project called Alicization.. and a program called Brain Burst.."

"Seyat.. as I thought.. your presence in ALO was not an ordinary one." said Kikuoka. "Then again, considering that massive monster grudge match you had in GGO with Congono, I don't think you expected to remain off the government's radar for long.."

"This.." said Seyat. "It violates the treaty 100 years ago Aleister Crowley made with our race..."

"And why would you care?" said Kikuoka. "You are a fugitive to your race! I heard what Congono said on the live stream. You're a traitor to your kind.. what you say means nothing.. now.. I have an opportunity.. and I must act on it.. so if you feel like trying to stop me.. go ahead, turn into a giant dragon like you did on GGO, wreck the lab.. but of course, that would go against your philosophies wouldn't it?"

"Damn you.." Seyat growled. "Do what you will.. but as long as they live within the Underworld, I will watch over them.. and if you seek to hurt them.. I will abandon all philosophies I currently hold.. and I will kill you.. "

"That desperate are you?"

"For Nox.. desperation is an understatement when describing what I would do for her.."

"FIRE!!!" All the gaurds then fired at once..

Seyat drew a long black sniper from within his cloak and in an instant, he had shot all the guns out of the gaurd's hands. "Trying to distract me with meager conversation and then attempting to kill me.. bad etiquette.. makes me rather mad.."

There was a blur and a burst of blue flames.. and Seyat disappeared.

Kikuoka narrowed his eyes and smiled. "What a nuisance."


7 years ago. On the Human Empire Calendar.

"Thwack!! Thwack!!"

The sounds of the Dragon Bone Axe continuously hit the massive tree of incredible size as the blonde haired boy sweated his way through the exhausting chore...

The boy's name was Eugeo.. age 11.. and his best friend.. a boy of the same age, Kirito, was currently taking a break next to the tree.

"This.. is... taking.. forever.." Muttered Eugeo as he wiped a bit of sweat from his brow. "Why.. oh why.. did THIS have to be our sacred task? (not what he said in the actual SAO novel.. I know.. but seriously, that's what I'd say.. XD )"

Railgun Online Book 4: Alicization BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now