Frankie's Announcement

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Detective Jane Rizzoli and Dr. Maura Isles were bustling around the kitchen of their cozy home, preparing for the family dinner they had planned. The scent of freshly cooked lasagna wafted through the air, mingling with the aroma of garlic bread and a rich, mixed greens salad. Beacon, their beloved chocolate Lab, lay contentedly in her bed, occasionally lifting her head to watch the activity with interest.

"Jane, could you pass me the Parmesan cheese?" Maura asked, her focus on arranging the salad with meticulous care.

"Sure thing," Jane replied, grabbing the container from the fridge and handing it to Maura. "You know, I'm really glad we decided to do this. It's been too long since we've had everyone over for dinner."

Maura smiled, her eyes sparkling with affection. "I agree. It's important to make time for family, especially with how busy our lives can get."

As they finished their preparations, the doorbell rang. Beacon immediately sprang to her feet, her tail wagging furiously as Jane went to answer the door.

"Hey, Ma!" Jane greeted Angela Rizzoli, pulling her mother into a warm hug. Behind her, Frankie and Tommy followed, both carrying bottles of wine. Nina, Frankie's wife, was right behind them, a warm smile on her face.

"Hi, sweetheart," Angela replied, beaming as she stepped inside. "It smells amazing in here! You two have outdone yourselves."

Frankie and Tommy echoed their mother's sentiments, and soon the living room was filled with laughter and the lively buzz of conversation as everyone caught up. Jane and Maura joined them, exchanging hugs and welcoming their guests.

Dinner was served family-style at the large wooden table, everyone helping themselves to generous portions of lasagna, salad, and garlic bread. The atmosphere was warm and convivial, filled with the sounds of clinking cutlery, shared stories, and bursts of laughter.

"So, Maura," Angela began, looking over at her with curiosity, "any interesting cases lately?"

Maura smiled politely, always careful to balance her passion for her work with the understanding that not everyone shared it. "We've had a few challenging ones, but nothing we couldn't handle."

Frankie chimed in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "And Jane? How's the Lieutenant life treating you?"

Jane rolled her eyes playfully. "It's been an adjustment, but I'm getting the hang of it. Mostly, I'm just trying not to drown in paperwork."

The table erupted in laughter, and Jane felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. These moments, surrounded by family and love, were what made all the hard work worth it.

As the evening wound down, Jane and Maura exchanged a glance, a silent conversation passing between them. They stood up, clinking their glasses together to get everyone's attention.

"We just wanted to say thank you all for coming," Jane began, her voice filled with emotion. "Having you all here means the world to us."

Maura nodded, adding, "Family is incredibly important to us, and we're so grateful to have such a wonderful one."

Angela, tears glistening in her eyes, raised her glass. "To family," she said, her voice thick with emotion.

"To family," everyone echoed, clinking glasses and sharing a moment of unity and love.

As the main course was winding down, Frankie stood up, glancing at Nina with a nervous but excited look. He cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention.

"Everyone, Nina and I have something we want to share with you," Frankie began, his voice filled with emotion.

Nina stood up beside him, taking his hand. "We're having a baby," she announced, her face glowing with happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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