Chapter: XIV: Part 1: Reunited

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(Zodiac, 3rd POV)

He had made it to IMP City to head towards the supposed building where his supposed sister worked. Bee told him that there was a possibility that they were working, or she was today, and if she wasn't, then he had to find out where they lived. He was not sure how his sister was or if she was even going to remember him. He would have to remind her and show her the photo. Was she going to want to accept him as her own brother? Or will she just not want to see or be with him again? Zodiac was taking a bus as he was looking at the picture.

He sighs and then puts it away. He then leaned against the side and looked out the window. "I'm coming, little sister. It has been a long time." Zodiac thought to himself. The bus soon stops, and he gets off with other demons and another hellhound. He then sees the building with the two horns. "That must be the IMP HQ." Zodiac thought as he was walking up to it and was quite nervous. The building was actually quite large and tall. He went in, and it said on a sign that the IMP office was on the seventh floor. Zodiac got into the elevator and then pressed 7. It took him straight up.

The doors opened, and he was on his way to the actual office where IMP was. Zodiac then got to the door that said, "I.M.P. Headquarters/Office" He took a breath and then looked down, not sure if he could do this, no, he could, he went through the door and was now inside. He stopped, he looked, there she was, a female hellhound leaning back on her chair, her paws on the desk and staring at her phone. She had all the same features he had, the grey, black, and white fur, black and white fluffy tail, grey hair, the ears, her nose, everything. It was her, his little twin sister!

Zodiac nearly had tears in his eyes. He was not prepared for this. He thought he was, but he wasn't. He took a breath and approached her. He saw her ear twitched, and so she heard him, but she didn't look up. She still was looking at her phone. "Hello, welcome to IMP. You name them we kill them for a decent price." She spoke in a monotone type of voice, no less beautiful. Zodiac was just looking down at her with a look of amazement and shock. It was like he couldn't figure out what to say as he was getting really emotional. His little sister must be close to 20 by now. He is 28. "L-Loona?" He said to her. Loona's ears perked up again, and that is when she looked up and saw him.

Loona was both shocked and a little intrigued by seeing him. A blush appeared on her face, and her ears went down. "Um.... Who are you? How do you know my name?" She asked kind of shyly. Zodiac sniffed and then rubbed his eyes. "Say something stupid! You need to at least answer her!" He said to himself in his head. He then heard Loona sniff at him, and then when he looked, he saw she was almost close to him. "Why do you smell so familiar? Do I even know you?" She asked a bit more forceful. "Loona. Do you even know who I am?" Zodiac asked.

Loona: "No. Should I?"

Zodiac sighs and then says, "I know this is going to be a little hard to believe, but I swear it's true. I am your big brother." Loona paused for a moment and stared at each other. She was actually speechless. It seemed like she didn't believe him, so Zodiac took out the photo and showed it to her. "Here is the proof. It's me and you as pups." Loona takes the photo and stares at it. She saw the little pup in the other pup's arms look very similar to her, in fact, a lot like her. Loona was on the brink of tears. She lowered the photo and said, "Holy shit... I think I am goanna faint." She was stumbling, and Zodiac came over to catch her. She then fell to her knees, and Zodiac held her close, knowing it had hit her hard.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but I swear it's true. I couldn't believe it myself." Zodiac said as he held her in a hug. "I am just glad you are safe, alive, and well. I was afraid I was never going to see you again after -" He had to stop as he was going to start sobbing. Loona was actually whimpering and held on to him. She was so mixed up in emotions that she just couldn't take it anymore. She let it all out. "Shhhh... I know..." Zodiac said as he comforted her. Just then, a short imp with white hair, Moxxie, came from the break room and saw what was going on. He rubbed his eyes and then said, "Um... What is going on here?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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