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Name: Dovetrot

Past names: Dovekit, Dovepaw

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Personality: Quiet, friendly, loyal, determined, honest, and kind

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: Fishing, going on nature walks, helping the medicine cats, and playing/teaching kits

Dislikes: His asthma, hunting, fighting, patrolling, blood, and death

Backstory: Dovetrot is a silent yet friendly tom whom has a raspy voice. He suffers from Asthma and isn't the greatest at hunting/fighting. He serves as somewhat of a guard for his Clan, and is willing to defend it no matter what. He tries hard to keep up with everyone in the Clan and refuses to let his asthma get in the way. Overall, he is a determined and friendly tom.

Other: Can often be drawn being tired/coughing


Original design by DeliriousGray on DA

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Original design by DeliriousGray on DA

Original design by DeliriousGray on DA

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