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Name: Icypaw

Past name: Icykit

Future name: Icygaze

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Personality: Serious, hard-working, patient, wise, and smart

Sexuality: Bisexual

Likes: Training, swimming, his mother, his friends, and sunbathing

Dislikes: Others getting in his way of his goals, thunderstorms, snow, and death

Backstory: Icypaw was born in WaveClan to his mother, Lightbreeze. His father had passed before he was even born. He was born as a single kit and his mother worked hard to make sure he wasn't some spoiled, entitled brat. Icykit grew up to be a quiet and solitary cat. He almost was like his father in a way. Icykit then became Icypaw, earning the mentor Shellsprint. He's working hard to become a great warrior like his father was.

Other: Love this guy <3


Original design by ospreytalon

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Original design by ospreytalon

Headshot drawn by aroundthefurrr on DA

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Headshot drawn by aroundthefurrr on DA

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