Chapter 4

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'Amber I'm so done with geo and I am relying on you.'

'What about geo?'

'Are you serious Amber? We have a geo test today and you're asking me that question?' Carol said with her eyebrows almost disappearing into her black hair.

'Oh, no shit! I forgot about it. Ahhh' Amber exhaled a long breath. 'you should have reminded me last night Carol if you're relying on me. Anyways it's after lunch we'll prepare by that time.'

Amber pushed the thoughts of Emily into the backside of her brain and focused on her geo test the whole day. But she couldn't. Not even a little bit.

She couldn't even eat as many mixed questions were churning inside her head. Geography and Emily.

Her eyes were fixed on her textbook as she slowly chewed on her food. Opposite her sat Carol doing the same. Mia was on leave as her father came back to home after a long sail on the sea. So it is just the two of them on the table.

'Eating the books with eyes rather than eating the food with mouth. Bookworms what can I say?' a bold warm husky voice came from behind. The very voice that has all the answers to her questions. The voice she desperately wanted to hear since last night.

He was standing beside her eyes roaming on the book, probably searching for the book's name. he leaned forward to look much clearer at the book.

'Geography interesting.' Finley Cullen said as he took her book into his hands.

'We have a test after lunch, we need to prepare.' Amber replied trying to take her book from his hands.

'You should have done it before, or last night. What made you forget about it huh?' Finley said as he threw her book across the table for his friend to catch.

'It's a book, not a ball!' Amber said much louder this time.

'Well, it's lunch break, not a preparation period.' Finley laughed at her expression.

'Eat well!' he winked at her and took her half-eaten apple. Amber stared at his back as the doors blocked her view. She sat back in her seat and let out a loud sigh.

'Why does he care if you read at lunch? Anyways you can take mine.' Carol said as she slid her textbook across the table. Amber shrugged 'Thanks!' 

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