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Date:August 15, 2019 (Strangereal Date)

Keiko wake up on a bed she look around start to remember how she end up here.She was inside of the room in a hotel in tobruk

Keiko:We are back tobruk.Just like we promised.Next is Cairo and then the Suez.

Keiko stood up she start to strench the she star to wear her uniform and went outside on her way she meet Hanna and Lydia

Keiko:Good morning you two.

Lydia:Hello Kei.

Keiko:Good morning you two.How are you.

Hanna:We are doing well.We are talking about the bath and the party to night.

Keiko:There is a party?

Hanna:Yea.The ''generals''are in the process of organizing it.To celebrate the liberation of Tobruk.

Lydia:We out saying that it was empty when they enter it with no M.R.M forces there.

Keiko:Are we invited?

Hanna:Yup.We just receive the invitation.

Keiko:It has been a while since we relaxed a bit.It wont be bad to enjoy it.

Lydia:Are you coming with us to for the bath.

Keiko:Sorry i can't.I need to visit Koga.It has been a while since last time.

Hanna:O really~

Lydia:Are you planning to invite him to the party to be your knight~


Hanna:I knew it.

Lydia:Don't worry kei.It is okay.See you at the party and have a go time.


Hanna and Lydia went outside and took a jeep and went away.Keiko waited a bit until a another jeep arrived at the hotel she climb in

Keiko:Can you take me to the osean camp.


The drive start to drive the jeep around the city until they reach a base there keiko see tanks,trucks and soldier with the emblem of the osean ground force

Driver:There it go.

Kieko:Thank you.

Keiko got out and the jeep went away she approaches the gate

Osean soldier:This base is off limit.Identify yourself.

Keiko:I'm captain Keiko of the 31st squadron.

Osean soldier:Oh you belong to the witches...thank you for taking care of the fortress,you save a lot of lives.

Keiko:No problem.

Osean soldier:Who are you looking for?

Keiko:I'm looking for commander Koga.

Osean soldier:He is inside this building in his office.


Keiko walk inside the base until she went inside the building and climb the stairs she walk in a hallway there she find a door with koga name she knock on until she hear koga coming from inside the room

Koga:Come in.

Keiko open the door and went inside she see koga,he was suprised but that changed with a smile

Keiko:Good morning Koga.

Koga:Hi Kei.How are you doing?

Keiko:Doing fine.

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