Chapter 11: Pirate's of the Ocean

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Harry heard the lock turn to his prison early the next morrow; his eyes snapped opened wide in fear. He jerked upright.

Liam paused, but opened up the cell willfully.

"Captain wishes your presence on deck, officer. I should hast in thy movement for daylight is wasting." Liam clapped his good hand against his thigh.

Harry threw the comforting feather-down blanket to the side, standing up on barely stable feet.

"Is her mood any more agreeable this morning's tide, Master...?" Harry paused; his slow voice more downtrodden than it had been. He was depressed; that much was clear. His eyes were deeper, murkier than they had been since the death of his wife.

"The name's Payne. However, Liam will suffice enough, officer Styles and no, to answer your query; she is most disagreeable this tide's day. Heaven knows why." He nodded once while muttering, reaching up to guide Harry out to her before she cuts his tongue out.

"Can you not tell her I jumped from the starboard?" Harry asked hopeful. He did not want to be around Eboninea. She scared him; especially since her last threat was still fresh in his mind.

Liam's lip twitched. He hit Harry's back with a hearty 'haah'.

"'fraid not. She wishes your company. However, I suspect your apothecary overmixed something, because she is damn near erratic." Liam rubbed his scruff, eyes blinking tiredly. "More so than normal."

Harry felt like kicking the door. However, he would thank Louis later for this dog's dinner. Albeit sarcastically.

"Louis. He gave her a concoction of laudanum and deadly nightshade. It took her pain away, but then she began to get scary. Reason I locked thyself in thine cell. Lady Isolde had irises black as night. Scared the right and left piss out of me." Harry shuttered, realizing he was stepping into the sea's beautiful rays.

Liam chuckled deeply.

"You'll be fine, officer." He assured the unsure Harry. Instead of dwelling on his situation, he followed Liam across the ship willingly.

"What of my dear Ana and son? Are they well this tide? I saw not what happened after you left." He continued to engaged the third in command. He sighed, tiring of the officer's queries.

"Your son ate with the captain in the kitchen earlier. Ana is with Louis in the brig where Eboninea threw him after trying to help. Ana stayed with him on her own accord. She is unbound so that she may assist Tomlinson. He was nearly gravely injured." Liam caught Harry up, his footsteps halting at the other end of the ship, pointing up.

"Captain will answer further queries. Excuse me, officer. I must go and check on my dull-headed but well-meaning friend." He bowed, turning back from which he came.

"Um –" Harry murmured, looking up the steps at the call of his son.

"Papa! Look! Watch this!" Alexander yelled excitedly, taking a spare rope hanging haphazardly from the sails. He yelled with glee as he grabbed it and ran forward off the high platform.

Harry's heart caught in his throat watching almost in slow motion as his only son Alexander, swung high above the pirate's heads across the ship.

His green eyes widened and he wasn't sure if he was screaming or if his voice went completely silent in a time-stopping yell that refused to leave his throat.

He was too in shock to move.

"WHAAA-HOOOO! YES! AGAIN!" Alexander cheered, jumping down safely with the help of a few pirates.

Harry managed to suck in a deep breath, his hands going to his head. His only son just swung from high off the ground and who the hell is –"

Eboninea's small amused chuckle reached Harry's reddening ears. He could still hear his heart beat in his ears.

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