Chapter 12: Showdown

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Niall handed a black colored liquid vial to a pirate who was clutching his stomach.

"Are ya sure it will help me?" The pirate asked apprehensively, catching Niall's eyes. He wanted to reply something sarcastic back, but fought the urge as he simply chose to look back at his patient tiredly.

Then the pirate's face became too stupid to look at any longer.

"No, I'm giving ya the vial of medicine for me own health genius." Niall responded with his signature sarcasm, giving the other man a clear vial. "Only take a drop of both every three turns of the ship's hour glass. Do not take them all at once. The results will be...explosive, if you do." His lip twitched.

The pirate's eyes blinked slowly; his child-like stare enthralled on Niall's words.

"What's ya mean by thats, doctor?" The man questioned in awe, making Niall point toward the decks.

"It means you'll have the cleanest insides this side of the Atlantic or wherever the hell we are currently. You'll shit yer knickers. Now, get out of here before I jump off the side of this bloody-damn ship. Your face is annoying me and your stink is offending."

The pirate frowned, though he just left because he didn't want to argue with a doctor that was going to help his stomach find some relief.

"And here I thought Doctor Horan enjoyed being in the medical field." Ana chuckled, entering into the room. She smiled when he regarded her haggard and tired appearance.

He quickly took his cap off, bowing slightly.

"Lady Ana," He kept his eyes downtrodden. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Niall asked kindly, happy to see a familiar face.

Ana continued to smile, but it was a little thinner than before. She reached out to touch Niall's shoulder. It was no surprise kindness radiated off her like a Summer's Day. It would remind the doctor often of Harry's wife. It was almost scary at times.

"Tis Louis, Niall." She approached the subject carefully, watching Niall's face turn scornful. He pulled away from her touch, choosing to go through his bag.

"His wounds should be healing. He did not sustain any infection by the looks. He shall be right as rain in a few days' time once his pain subsides from being whipped." Niall said, his fingers choosing a black liquid; this one a little different.

"His mind is troubled and eyes saddened. Louis is barely touching anything substantial. He has sparsely eaten and drinks only when I force the spool of water to his lips." Ana explained, her eyes reflecting an unrestful gaze. "I worry so, Niall. I beg thee to help if your mercy allows you this."

Niall hands Ana a half-filled vial of clear laudanum.

"This might make him tired, but it should muddle his thoughts for a while. I take it he's finally left the brig? Captain Isolde told him he was free to roam about if he so wishes." Niall half listened, seeing Alexander come in with his hand over his finger. Niall's eyes instantly softened at the redness around the little one's eyes. "Aw, let's see what happened to you lad." He bent down to Alexander's level, gently forcing his small hand from the wound.

A small cut was at the tip of his finger.

"The stupid wood splintered and scratched me as I leant against it." The little boy pouted, his eyes instantly lighting when he saw his nursemaid. "Ana!" He exclaimed, throwing himself onto her. "Is Louis alright?" He asked; knowing his nursemaid was caring for the pirate.

"He's getting better little by little." Ana smiled, hugging the boy close. "Perhaps, it would do Louis well to see a friendly face? Would you care for a visit once Niall deems you in good health?" She grinned merrily, knowing Louis adored Alexander as he too adored the pirate just the same.

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