Chapter 10

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# Muzi Mthethwa #

When I got home yesterday from driving around, I found my wife back from work, I'm ashamed to say that I couldn't tell her but I'll surely tell her today after work, I don't want to mess up her day at work today.

Me : "Morning Sthandwa Sam"
Amanda :" hey love, I'm already late" she says taking her bags
Me : "babe can we talk today after work, it important"she stops looking at me
Amanda :" ay mara those words are never good, yaz manje I won't be able to concentrate at work thinking can't you just tell me now? "
Me :" cha love hamba uye msebenzini nami I'm already late, you can relax it not that bad" it worse, I say in my head
Amanda : "ay kunconoke" heew! That was close let me just go to work, while gathering my thing I receive a call from my mother
Me : Mah unjan?
Mother : "ay don't ask me that after lamanyala ongifake kuwona, I'm calling to tell you ukuth obaba bakho bayeza Ntambama kmele nizengapha nomakoti" and just like that day ruined
Me : "haibo mah kwashesha kangaka bengeke hlampe silinde I weekend"
Mother :"ngcela ungangihlanyisi Mina we Muzi I weekend yani umtanabantu ezobeletha noma inini or uzimisele Ngokuth ingane ifike ungakalungisi lutho" eish
Me : "cha mah akunjalo ukuth bengakamtsheli u Amanda besazokhuluma ntambama"
Mother : "kodwa Muzi angishongo yin ukuth umtshele izolo? Yaz wena ngath ugcwele ukudlala awuboni ukubaluleka kwalento" she sigh!! Ey I messed up
Me : "kulungile mah sizofika" she hung up. Ngenzenjani ngiye e office ngikhulume no Amanda before siyekhaya. Let me call her I'm sure use office manje Mina nje I don't think I'm going anymore.

Amanda :" hawu Nyambose wafona ngisuka nje ekhaya kwenzenjan ngabe khona engikukhohliwe? "
Me : "cha, akunjalo ngthole I call la from umah uthi siyadingeka ekhaya ntambama kune meeting"
Amanda : "wee ay eyanike I meeting kini niyahlupha ngalama meeting
Me :" angazi love sozwa khona" I can't tell her useyozwa khona maybe ngeke adinwe kakhulu makukhuluma o baba
Amanda : "OK ngzoqala lapho ekhaya ke khona ngi oshintsha before ngiye khona uzongilinda or ngikufice khona?"
Me : "ay sohlangana khona love" after I'm done I call the office to tell them I'm not coming.

I'm just laying in bed thinking, umah kfanele adinwe kanje naye her marriage ended because of cheating. Ubaba ube cheat strong kwathi umah esemubamba wathi ufuna ukuthatha unkosikazi wesbili, ilapho ke umah I decide khona ukuth ngeke Esaqhubeka no baba wafuna I divorce, I guess he was in love ngoba akazange anqabe after that he moved out wayakoshada ne side chick, umah wasala kanjalo wasikhulisa. Ubaba tried to be in our lives but we just couldn't let him after what he did to my mother. uNtando my older brother moved away that's why singekho close akabuyi njalo he only comes if it my mom's birthday. Umah unezingane ezu two kphela that's why I didn't want to move away like my brother. Let me just go home bazongfica khona.

Mangifika ekhaya I find umah epheka, ay lomuntu begula izolo kodwa u busy uyapheka
Me : "Mah bungeke kodwa u order in, awuphilile nje"
Mother :" aibo Muzi ngeke obaba bahle amatake away ngikhona futh ngikutshelile ukuthi bekungekho that bad ngiphuze Imithi ngumqemane manje. Wena walana early kanje usukhulumile njalo nomakoti?" ngavele ngabheka phansi angazi ngithini
Mother: "ay don't tell me ukuth umakoti akazi ukuthi Le meeting eyani"
Me : "cha mah bengeke ngikwazi ukona usuku lakhe uzozwa mase elana"
Mother : "mmmh! Ay asazi" wa qhubeka wapheka, I washed my hands ngamusiza nami.

Later on bafika ubaba no baba omncane, I'm surprised ubaba akafikanga nonkosikazi wakhe bahlezi belandelana phela
Me : "Sanibonani Bo baba" bavuma boyi2
Baba : "niyaphila ndodana"
Me : "yebo siyaphila singezwa Nina"
Baba : "ay siyaphila" sathi ukulinda kancane silinde u Amanda. After 30 minutes wafika naye, wangena ngasekhishini ngoba uqhamuke esefika no mah bahlala phansi babingelela.
Baba : "maMlaba ngabe kukhona oku wrong sathola ucingo oluphuthumayo ukuthi kunodaba la okumele silazi" while ubaba ekhuluma ngswele umgodi wokucasha because I know this won't end well for me
Mother : "yebo Nyambose kunjalo u Muzi la ufike nodaba engingazi ukuth ngizomisa kanjan ngalo ingakho ngbone ukuthi nginibize Nino baba omncane hlampe nina nizoba nesixozululo" eish ihlo asengibuke ngalo u Amanda phela ngithe angazi ukuth I meeting imayelana nani
Uncle : "khuluma ndodana silalele" eish bengithi Mina umah uzochaza
Me : "ehh.. Mah sacela kube uwena ochazayo"
Baba : "ay ndoda khuluma uwena onenkinga ay umawakho" ngabuka umah ngith hlampe uzongizwela lutho uzibhekele phansi nje, now I have no choice, ngaqala ngachaza ngithe ngiqeda nje ngezwa ngempama
Amanda : "ungijwayela kabi wena" usho uyakhala that's hurt more than a slap
Mother : "ehlisa ulaka makoti ngiyazi kubuhlungu kodwa ukudinwa manje ngeke kusize ngalutho ekumele siqhamuke nesicazululo manje"
Amanda : "Mah ayikho into esizoyikhuluma la akukho ngane ezongena la kowami umshado" washo ngelikhulu iqholo
Uncle : "ay makoti ungakhulumi kanjalo seku late ingane isizofika vele kmele sibe nenqubekelo phambili, umntwana wako Nyambose akahlali emzini womuntu engashiseliwe impepho kuyaphoqa ukuth siziveze ngoba leyongane ingafa no kufa"
Amanda : "anginandaba nayo yonke loyonto Mina umyeni wami mefuna ingane ngizomnika akukho veza ndlebe elizofika la" ay ngathi useyaphaphalaza manje  u Amanda igazi lami phela leli futh ngiyafuna ukuba Ingxenye yempilo yakhe
Baba : "Makoti akukhulunywa kanjalo siyazi ukonile u Muzi kodwa lengane iyigazi lethu kumele senze oku ryt"
Amanda :" Bo baba nawe mah Mina ngcela ningikhiphe lapho angifuni lutho ezongihlanganisa nalento" washo wayesukuma hamba Ey akafuni nokungbuka I'm sure nje Mangifika endlini ngisazozwa
Mother : "manje uthini owenu umbono ngalendaba senzanjani, solinda ingane izalwe or siyekoziveza ingakafiki"
Baba : "kumele siziveze manje khona ingane izobikwa after isizelwe singalindi ize igule. Ey Muzi wasifaka enkingeni"
Mother : "engani ufuzile, akadukile phela" wow that escalated very fast, ubaba wavele wabuka phansi akasazi athini.
Uncle :" kshuthi nge weekend siyakubo kwantombazane, Muzi kzomele uthole ke ukuth kukuphi asthembe asizoba late." eish enye inkinga leyo how do I find that information or kzomele ngikhulume no Sakhile I'm sure UYazi, inkinga ke I'll have to tell him the truth ngoba ngeke angnike engazi lutho.
Me :" ngzokwenza njalo, ngyabonga bantu abadala"
Mother : "asthembe ukuth ugcinile ukusifaka kwi Kinga enje and I hope umakoti uzokuxolela. Ay asiyeni e dining room ngiphekile" ay I smile kubaba phela wazikahle ukuth umah yalishaya ibhodwe. Othi ngiyofonela u Sokhuluma manje khona sohlangana ksasa.. I dailed his number
Sokhulu: Nyambose
Me : unjani Sokhulu
Sokhulu : "ay akusizi ukukhala kwenzenjani ngafonelwa uwena ngalesikhathi"
Me : "Ey ngidinga usizo lwakho angazi noma singahlangana yin ksasa"
Sokhulu :" ungafika e office ksasa around lunch time"
Me : "cha bengicela sbonane noma ise rasturant this is personal"
Sokhulu : "kulungile sohlangana ekseni before office coz it seems like this is urgent"
Me : "ngyabonga kakhulu sobonana" I hung up nga join abazali e dining room, sadla and ukudla kwamah it delicious as usual ama compliment are flying around the table uyabona nje umah ukuth proud.

Now it time to go home I'm dreading coz angazi ngzofica I situation enjan. When I get home angimfici u Amanda I try to call her but her phone goes straight to voicemail, I wonder ukuphi i hope she's safe if I were to look for her angazi ngaqala kuphi,I'll just wait for her.

Around 10 ebsuku I hear her car ngaphuma ngyobheka, I find her ehleli emotweni
Me : "sthandwa Sami cela ungene endlini ungahlali kanje emnyango" waphuma emotweni waqonda ekamereni ngimfica uphosa Izingubo eskhwameni
Me : "wenzani why uphakisha?"
Amanda : "ngipakishela wena ngfuna uphume uphele la engan wena suzoba nomndeni okade wawu funa"
Me : "kodwa sthandwa Sami ngyaxolisa nje Uyazi it wasn't like that, ngiyakuthanda konke lokhu kwaba iphutha"
Amanda :" iphutha elizoba iskhumbuzo impilo yethu yonke, UYazi how I feel about having children ngakitshela singakashadi nokushada wavuma kodwa manje wenzanjani usuye ngaphandle wayomithisa."
Me :" ngyaxolisa bengingaqondile ngiyazi ukuth wathi awuzifuni izingane, lento yenzeka ngidakiwe bekungeyona inhloso"
Amanda :" awusho is this why bungibelesele ngengane the last few weeks" she's so hurt I can't her more
Me : "cha sthandwa Sami bengith hlampe usushintshe umqondo"
Amanda : "buka uya qhubeka ungenza islima ngcela unguhambele"
Me : "ngizoyaphi ku late manje"
Amanda : "angazi windoda bona uyaphi" washo ephuma engishiya. Ngzomane ngi book I room I can't go home, hlampe ksasa uzobe usuwehlile umoya ngoba manje akezwa lutho.

It time for me to go meet with Sakhile I really hope he can help me. Ngimfice esehleli engilindile
Me : Sokhulu, ngyabonga ukuthi ungibone
Sokhulu : "ay ngibize u Sakhile lento ka Sokhulu ingenza ngizizwe ngimdala"
Me :" ay ngizwa kahle nawe uyeke ukungbiza ngo Mthethwa ngu Muzi"
Sakhile : deal, yaz we should do this more phela I don't have lot of friends
Me : "true kungaba ryt  yaz kodwa it'll have to be in a club yabona nje manje ngathi sikwi date" we both laugh
Sakhile : "so yini Le e urgent ofuna ukukhuluma ngayo?"
Me : "Ey mf2 ngisenkingeni la, few months back I met this lady" ... I tell him the whole story
Sakhile : "tjo ngyakuzwa ndoda manje Mina ngakusiza ngani do I know this lady?"
Me :" yebo u Nandipha your PA"
Sakhile :" whaaat!!!"
Me : "yebo manje angazi how do I go about it ngoba kubukeka engathi akangikhumbuli, I can't blame her though she was wasted"
Sakhile :" are you sure though? Hlampe it a coincidence"
Me : I'm sure I've only cheated once and it was with her, can you believe that I had morning sickness, I even thought my wife is pregnant but bekungesiye, so when I met her it all made sense.
Sakhile : "aybo this is serious Mina ngingasiza ngani pho?"
Me : "when I saw you guys ngabona ukuth you are close so I wanted to ask if it possible unginike I address yakubo omalume bezoyakhona"
Sakhile : "aybo why ungakhulumi naye before uyekubo uzwe ukuth yena ucabangani ngalento what if omalume bakho bayafika lapha aphike yonke into u Nandi"
Me :" Ey angazi ngingaqala kephi hlampe kuzoba ncono makukhona abantu abadala nami ngzobe ngihamba nabo if ungangthembi you can even come with just to make sure ba safe please maan"
Sakhile : kulungile I hope i won't regret this phela u Nandi is like a sister to me angifuni into ezomu hurt or umshana wami, I hope akazodinwa mayethola ukuth I gave you her address.
Me : "ngyabonga kakhulu" saqhubeka sazikhulumela I'm so glad uzongisiza I hope konke kuzohamba kahle.

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