Good news

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Few days later, when Vanessa woke up she was not feeling well. She felt like something is wrong with her health. Joaquin, Emiliano and Alejandro were also not at home. They left for the company in early morning and now she is with Ana and Ava.

She went downstairs to have her breakfast and saw Ana was already serving her breakfast. She went to her hair and settled down on the chair.

"Good morning Ana." she greeted her lowly with no energy.

"Good morning dear. What happened to you? You are looking so exhausted." Ana commented and Ava also came there.

"I'm not feeling well." she said making the twins concerned too.

"Should I call doctor or sirs for you?" Ana immediately asked her but she shook her head in denial.

"No I'm fine for now. What's in break today?" she asked her diverting the topic.

"Omelette and toast." Ava told her to which she approved nodding her head in yes.

When they served her the breakfast she felt puking and nauseous immediately. As soon as the aroma of omelette reached her nostrils she didn't like it and wanted to be far away from it as much as possible.

She immediately stood up from the chair and ran towards her room leaving the twins confused because Vanessa running away from food is a rare sight to see. She entered inside the bathroom and let out all the contents of her stomach. Her mouth turned bitter and bad due to it.

After getting done with it she was about to get out of the bathroom but again she felt like puking so she hurriedly entered inside again and threw all the remaining contents out of her stomach turning it completely empty. Her stomach growled due to being empty but she didn't feel like eating anything.

Now she was sitting at the bed because by now she had vomited for at least five times and it was happening for few days but not this much, today she is feeling dizzy and nauseous a lot. Suddenly she frowned and thought what if she is still not cured and her disease is still there but the doctors said that she is completely fine now.

She was scared what if her disease is back. Ana came behind to check up on her and saw her sitting on the bed like that. She caressed her head and moved near her.

"What happened dear?" Ana asked her again because she was like a younger sister to her.

"I pucked out at least for five times by now." Vanessa told her truthfully because this time she didn't have the courage to lie to anyone remember Joaquin's anger last time.

"Let me call Ms. Gomez right away." Ana said and didn't wait for Vanessa to agree with her. She immediately called her doctor Ms. Gomez and waited for her to pick up the phone. After two times three rings she received the call.

"¿Hola? ¿Está ahí la señora Gómez?" Ana said to the person on the other side immediately.
(Translation: Hello? Is Ms. Gomez there?)

"Soy Ana de la mansión Fernández. Por favor, ¿puedes visitarnos aquí lo antes posible? La señora no se siente bien." Ana said hastily.
(Translation: I'm Ana from Fernandez mansion. Please can you pay a visit here as soon as possible. Madam is not feeling well.)

"Sí, la estaremos esperando gracias." She said after the person on the other side said something to her and she hung up the call.
(Translation: Yes, we will be waiting thank you.)

Ana sat there with Vanessa until the doctor arrives. After fifteen minutes she arrive and in meantime Ava and Shadow were also present there equally worried for her. When the doctor arrived Shadow turned a little aggressive looking at the stranger but Ava held him.

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