An angel

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A loud feminine booming voice echoed in the whole mansion making the male to gulp audibly hearing his name being called. He knew that today no one can save him from the wrath of his wife. He tried to hide away from her but where possibly his tall, burly figure could hide but the main concern was not his to hide but the little culprit because of whom her wife is finding him.

He was nervous and beads of sweat was forming on his forehead. He was scared of no one in this entire world but of his own wife because only she has the power to tame him and punish him as well because he can't say anything to her. He loves her to the extent that he can lay his heart in her feet at her single demand still it will less in front of what she has done for him until now. She's been with him in every moment of his life good or not. She has blessed him with a new life and he appreciates it a lot.

She taught him how to live and not survive. She taught him how to take his responsibilities as a family man. She taught him how to love, maintain relationships and be a good parent to their children but sometimes he does cheat with his responsibilities and listens to what his princess had to say and today he exactly did that and now his wife is finding him like a mad woman out for a kill.

He tried to make his posture as confident as possible and clearing his throat he started checking something in his phone. He felt her presence in from of him and he was almost scared to death but keeping his calm he acted  like nothing happened and he didn't do anything with the little culprit. He wanted to show his wife like he is still acting like a responsible father who she teaches him to be but his wife knows everything which left her fuming.

"Mikhail!" she called him gaining his attention and he raised his head to look at her. There was she, his beautiful wife standing there with her hands on her hips.

His Rooh.

"Yes Lyubov?" he asked her dreamily fertility lost in her beauty as always. He can never get enough of her.

"Where is Roomi?" she inquired him like some police officer out at his duty to find the thief. As soon as he heard her asking for the little culprit all of his dreaminess ran out of the window.

"I don't know." he lied and shrugged like he really don't know but who he was kidding to? They have been married for twenty two years now and he still thinks she doesn't knows him?

"Oh don't give me that I don't know thing because Mikhail I clearly know you have hided her somewhere and you are equally involved with her in it." Rooh said pointing her finger at him while giving an accusing glare.

Mikhail grimaced at her wife's accusation on him and he knew if he will have to act more strong to distract her from getting suspicious of his involvement in this whole deed.

"No Lyubov I'm not lying. Why would I lie to you? I don't know what are you talking about or where is Roomi?" he said nervously smiling at his wife who was looking at his every action keenly and her suspicion confirmed as soon as she noticed his nervous smile. She also knows how to bring him at track so she took out her ace card.

"Okay then. You are sleeping out of our room today." Rooh declared firmly making his jaw to drop on the floor. He was shocked would be an understatement. He sprang up from his place coming closer to her.

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