Secret visit

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Emiliano was striding towards Joaquin with his clenched jaw and balled fists which he already noticed. He fished his hands inside her pants pockets and stood there casually like he didn't care. As Emiliano reached right in front of him he trailed his cold gaze to him while Emiliano's gaze was spitting fire.

"Todos sabemos que te preocupas por ella, así que deja de actuar como una perra no afectada." Emiliano spat without wasting any time but Joaquin's expressions didn't change even a bit.
(Translation: We all know you care for her so stop acting like an unaffected bitch.)

"No hagas esto hermano. No ahora que ella es tan vulnerable." Alejandro also said this time interrupting in between but Joaquin didn't respond anything to both of them.
(Translation: Don't do this brother. Not now when she is so vulnerable.)

Emiliano sighed hearing Alejandro because this was the only reason he was still being good with her even after knowing she was hiding about her illness from them, because she is too weak and vulnerable now and their any wrong action can affect her badly which he didn't want.

"Mira hermano, sabemos lo herido que estás por esa noticia pero trata de entender, ella necesita amor, cuidado y atención ahora, especialmente la tuya. Tu amabilidad hacia ella la está debilitando." Emiliano said holding his shoulders firmly this time.
(Translation: Look brother, we know how much hurt you are by that news but try to understand, she needs love, care and attention now, specially yours. Your coldness towards her is making her weak.)

Joaquin still didn't say anything and kept looking at them like he still didn't care and it was again testing Emiliano's patience because since he had got to know about her health he is always on edge and small things are making him either angry or tensed but at that moment he was getting really angry.

"¡¿Hablarás ahora, maldita sea?!" he asked Joaquin in his sightly raised voice but Joaquin as usual didn't choose to answer him.
(Translation: Will you speak now God dammit?!)

In anger Emiliano slightly pushed him away but he stood there firmly at his place. Alejandro pulled Emiliano back not wanting him to do anything in anger which he will regret later. Joaquin silently walked away from there towards the guest room and entered inside.

He took out an alcohol bottle and didn't bother to take any glass. He started chugging all of it's contents down his throat in a go. His eyes were already intoxicated because he was hell drunk before coming to the mansion and again he started drinking because he wanted to loose his senses so that he can forget everything even if it is for a short period of time.

When he felt that he was still in his senses he felt rage coursing through his veins he poured all the remaining alcohol on him which burnt his cuts and wounds but he cared less. After emptying the whole bottle above him he threw it on the wall in front of him shattering the bottle into millions of pieces just like his heart, when it broke after knowing she hide the truth from them.

He threw himself on the bed and kept laying there, looking at the ceiling and before a single tear could drop down from his eyes he shut closed his eyes tightly. His fists were balled while his heart was numb but that hurt feeling was still there. He was anxious that why was it not going away from him.

On the other hand, Emiliano and Alejandro were sitting outside of the room on the floor. They were waiting for her session to be completed. Whenever she goes inside and lays on that machine their hearts thumps in their rib cages so hard. They feel a weird type of fear in their hearts.

After sometime, Vanessa walked out of the room slowly. They both immediately stood up held either of her hands. They looked back at the medical staff and they nodded in assurance. Both of them took her towards their room and entering inside the made her sit down on the bed properly.

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